and even if The FUP's get more bearable,what's the use?my failtel connection(which has been by gods grace been cancelled and nullified in hell),tested positive for the P2P port blocking in the Glasnost test,so i say they kiss my lily white tushy.Also would you believe this?An airtel representative came to my house 2 months ago to inform me of their wonderful "new" plans,and he offered me the best "value" connection of 2mbps "speed" until ,wait for itttttttttt, 10 GB!!!!! Data is used and then "unlimited" 256 Kbps.And then i told him that first : your plan isn't really "unlimited" and he replied by saying that the plan is "unlimited" but it's just that the speed gets reduced,wow great analogy,and then just as i was going to award him with a bharat ratna and tell him to go screw himself,he inquired about my existing connection which was a 1mbps unlimited MTNL connection(now its 4 mbps) and he himself began saying : "kya?1 MBps unlimited bhaiya?yeh toh mujhe bhi lelena chahiye"!!!! Just imagine!!!then i kicked his goose stepping ass.