Airtel Broadband users ---- Please help me here

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Ok.... good news and bad news.

Airtel say that they MAY be able to give me a connection --- 128 unltd.

But that exec who had come home today said that I will not get full 128 . He said that it will fluctuate between 64 and 92kbps.

How is that???

Could someone please clarify this?? I thought airtel had a good reputation. And what abt the download speeds??

Has anyone using Airtel had bad speeds till now?? Or is this something new???

I need to make a decision fast. COuld anyone here help me?? Please please.....
I've been using 128 unltd for a long time now, and minimum speeds i get are around 11KBps thats around 92kbps. Most of the time, the dload speeds hover around 13~14KBps. Decent enough. Does have problems, once in a long time though. :)

It's better than the others avlbl here for sure :)

EDIT : Mine is a 128k plan according to my bill, but my connection speed shows 160k :)


I used Airtel 256 broadband when I was in Bangalore in May. Good speeds of about 24 kbps but then that was 256 broadband, not unlimited.

The fact that I was using the connection from ITPL which has superfast net access is a different thing altogether ;)
Using the 160 Kbps Unlimited Airtel connection for over a year here.Get speeds between 15-18kbps.Yes downtimes are scarce & they intimate you in advance thru sms & email if in case its down the corner.
airtel isnt the fastest but its one of the most reliable.. hardly ever any downtime and great customer service...

i get around 12-14 kpBs most of the time ..

remember once , was once connected for 14 days straight before the line got disconnected :(
Nikhil said:
Was waiting for you to reply....

Do you get full 128 all the time or what??
yeah I always connect at 128kbps, but dload speeds vary from 12-14(with bursts of 16-17KBps)...
on airtel 128 kbps. good customer service, and downloads speed vary from 14-18 KBps. May its because the airtel BB office is just a minute's walk from my home :ohyeah:
situation of the office makes a big difference.
DSL is limitedby the distance if the exchange. That is its one major drawback.
@Switch : I havent been gaming off late. I last played CS online a couple of months ago. I mostly played with pings of 150 on South-East Asian servers
Pings of 150 ---- Is that good or bad?? It should be as less as possible, right?? What sort of pings do you get with other ISPs??s
It's decent enough when compared to the other providers available here. I found that pings of 150 and below were decent enough. Most of the time the pings would be around 130~150, and some times they'd be as low as 110. No clue about how the situation is now since we started hosting our own games later on. :)
Hmmm.Maybe I am bnetter off with my measly 64kbps unlimited at 500/-
The bandwidth imprvement does not justify a 200% jump in the cost.....
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