Airtel has suggested TRAI to reduce post-FUP speed to 64kbps

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Airtel claims users misuse minimum broadband speed facility, asks TRAI to reduce post-FUP speeds to 64kbps

The operator says a lot of customers have misused the minimum broadband speed facility, forcing the operator to forced to keep the price at a higher threshold.

Telecom giant Bharti Airtel has written to the telecom regulator TRAI to reduce data speeds from 512kbps to 64kbps, once the data cap is reached. The operator says a subscriber remains a broadband subscriber until the expiry of his assigned quota, therefore after the assigned quota the user cannot access data at the defined broadband speed. It’s worth pointing out here that the government has set minimum download speed of 512 Kbps for broadband connectivity.

In case of fair usage plans, the subscriber remains a broadband subscriber till the expiry of his assigned quota. Beyond the assigned quota, it cannot be the prerogative of the customer to keep on accessing data at the defined broadband speed. Hence, a service provider should be free to throttle the speed to 64kbps after the expiry of assigned data limit to the customer,” said the operator while responding to TRAI’s Draft Direction on Delivering Broadband Services in a Transparent Manner.

Airtel also pointed out that some customers have misused the minimum broadband speed facility, and tend to overuse the data limit.

“In fact, it has been observed that some customers misuse the minimum broadband speed provision and tend to overuse the data limit in their quota. Thus the cost increases for all customers due to higher usage at 512 kbps. As a result, we are forced to keep the price at a higher threshold for every customer. Therefore, if broadband has to become affordable in the country, ideally, the Authority should not mandate any broadband speed after exhaustion of quota. However, if the Authority wants to fix a speed limit is after the expiry of quota, it may be fixed at 64kbps,” it added.

The operator further says that there should not be any mandate for providing minimum speed where only a fixed data quota is provided. In case of such limited plans, broadband connected will be turned off.

On the issue of alerting users on consuming 80 percent of available data, Airtel responded, “Giving pop up alerts on every login after data usage crosses the quota limit of 80 percent may result into consistent irritant for customers and lead to spike in customers’ complaints due to inconvenience. Further, most of the fixed broadband customers are accessing Broadband services over Wi-Fi mode (always on connections) and the connection is being shared amongst many users/ devices. Hence, it is submitted that only an alert requirement may be provided through SMS or e mail in case of 80 percent limit.”

Airtel’s demands for reducing post FUP speed comes amid reports that the regulator may define broadband with minimum download speed up to 1Mbps. As expected Airtel’s letter has evoked negative criticism from users.

Source: Airtel Letter,

Was super enraged when I saw this earlier, what a bunch of bloodsucking ************ the telecom mafia is.
I understand that these are businesses and they are here to make profits but how can someone formulate something like this in 2016 ? 64 kbps !!! ******* *****
At this point I'm praying that an advanced civilization shows up and provides omnipresent Terabit wifi to the entire planet, I'm usually against bursting crackers but I'll definitely light a 10000 garland outside the Airtel Head Office if that happens.
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The response from Reliance is not very different.

However, in case of fair usage plans, the subscriber remains into broadband services till the expiry of his assigned quota. Beyond the assigned quota, as per his plan the speed gets reduced which may be lower than 512Kbps. In order to avoid any misuse of the broadband service beyond the designated quota, a service provider should be provided the freedom to throttle the speed after the expiry of assigned data limit to the customer

Seriously mind warping recommendations and suggestions by these telcos. I hope better sense in TRAI prevails.

@psyph3r Understand your frustration.. but please remove all profanities in your post.
Airtel has been a leader in being the bad boy of the internet world. First the joke of a walled garden with Zuki and now this bullshit.
Recently TRAI had sought comments for a draft direction on delivering broadband services in a transparent way. In addition, to seeking comments on transparency measures like clear information of tariff plans and timely usage alerts, there was a key element on broadband speeds –

Ensure that download speed of broadband service provided to the fixed broadband subscriber is not reduced below 512 kbps in any broadband tariff plan

What caught our attention among the several comments was industry leader Airtel’s. Airtel sought this change for the above direction –

"Ensure that download speed of broadband service provided to the fixed broadband subscriber is not reduced below 64 kbps in case of Fair usage broadband tariff plan after expiry of assigned data quota of the customer."

This in our opinion is nothing but taking things to the pre-broadband or the dial-up era. What’s more interesting is Airtel’s rationale to seek the change. According to Airtel, some customers misusing minimum broadband speed provision and tending to overuse the data limit in their quota is the reason for increased broadband costs for everyone.

The story does not end here. There was a striking similarity in the AUSPI and COAI submission and Airtel’s submission. It was more like the Airtel’s demands become industry’s demands.

Refer to the screenshots of the documents on the source site.

So here is a question I have , wtf do they mean by misuse ?? I have paid airtel for X GB at Y speed after using that X GB at Y speed, the plan I have paid for is supposed to give me access at Z speed .

that's what they take money from us as none of it is free .

Now if their contention is that after the user completes using their X GB at Y speed there should not be any more data until the billing cycle completes, then fine I can respect that but; Let's agree to that approach provided that Airtel specifically details what will be the cost reduction to all the subscribers if it implements this approach. I bet that they will not be willing to share that number or commit to a price.

finally it seems that all the providers have similar proposals. now had it been a technical issue then their approaches could need to be similar, but since this is a business issue it looks like they are forming a Cartel to me
Why even that 64kbps, offer 10kbps like they do in 3G packs!! I'll be so happy that day i can update my AV software daily.

This is like a new low of doing business.. I know Airtel guys eat shit but unable to figure out if its Dog's or Donkey's!! :p

Airtel's has this Intolerance policy towards Internet speeds. Why do you guys always target Aamir Khan?
Wow.. Thank god I decided to have a bit of patience and continued with ACT when I shifted my house..
Hope that they implement the 64kbps policy soon.. Then only people will start switching ISPs and we will no longer have to tolerate with this nonsense..[DOUBLEPOST=1455600599][/DOUBLEPOST]Also I hate these Ads by Airtel.. :mad:
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I am surprised to see the negative comments on this thread!
Don't you guys have any other local service provider in your areas?

By doing what Airtel is suggesting, they are only gonna shoot themselves in the foot because customers are going to flock where they find value.
On the other hand, actually most of the customers will NOT go elsewhere.
Here is the reason why:
1. Most of the people never reach their FUP limits. It is only the <10% of savy crowd like techenclave that actually milks the broadband to limits.
2. By doing what Airtel has suggested, they will cut prices and try to lure more customers. Because most customers are as as what I have described in point#1, they WILL get lured.

End result is that <10% of the consumer base will either shift to higher priced plans offering greater FUP limit because they have either no alternative or they actually prefer Airtel for its service (which is a great news for Airtel), or leave (not much dent to their profits).

Ah now I understand why folks on Techenclave are so enraged.
Its such a sh*t move. Google is bringing fiber to places and this Airtel is going back to era of dialup. Instead of updating infrastructure, reducing speed of users to crawl. :mad:
And this means Netflix and streaming goes out of business in India
Its such a sh*t move. Google is bringing fiber to places and this Airtel is going back to era of dialup. Instead of updating infrastructure, reducing speed of users to crawl. :mad:
And this means Netflix and streaming goes out of business in India

I would love to see Netflix shutting India operations saying that with pathetic internet speeds and ridiculous FUPs they cannot operate in India.
64 kpbs means no connection to internet on Desktop/Laptops which runs full fledged windows. Rather doing all the drama about FUP, they should scrap the FUP thing and provide only packaged data and no more internet after packaged data is over. Also, all unlimited plans should be scrapped. All plans should be money per MB. Airtel and all other telcos and government will be very, very happy and will generate a lot of revenue as internet is making daily thing in life of everyone and they are doing hard to penetrate in everybodies home, including illiterate peoples and rural areas.
I am surprised to see the negative comments on this thread!
Don't you guys have any other local service provider in your areas?

Nopes. Here in GGN, many high rise apartments only have the option of Airtel. Their cohort is 100% leak proof. My complex has a mother-of-all DTH dish mounted on the 20th floor terrace and that is the only option. The building management does not allow smalls dishes to be stapled to the walls or balconies. Same with broadband. Only an Airtel service line is the source of broadband. Either one uses that, or uses a worse off: dongle.

Airtel is a corrupt and monopolizing company.
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