Airtel-Paise ke liye kuch bhi karega!

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A couple of days ago, i got 2 missed calls on my mobile with airtel prepaid connection.The number from which the calls were made showed up as 923436668277. Out of curiousity, i called back and surprisingly, it was Airtel's ringtone service. What bothers me is that i was charged 100 bucks for the call.The same thing happened today but i recognized the no. SO guys, if neone gets a call from this number, don't call back & save the number as 'BEGGARS'.:-[
thnxs for the information dude

and yeah 100 bucks is too much for a call man

and thats a 12 digit number ?????? or a typo ???
Clearly the number isnt Indian. Hence youve been charged for the ISD calls. Report the number to Airtel and ask them to blacklist it.

In future: Remember NOT to answer/call-back on 12 digit numbers starting with 92 or +92, as thats the ISD code for the neighbors.
sonya said:
A couple of days ago, i got 2 missed calls on my mobile with airtel prepaid connection.The number from which the calls were made showed up as 923436668277. Out of curiousity, i called back and surprisingly, it was Airtel's ringtone service. What bothers me is that i was charged 100 bucks for the call.The same thing happened today but i recognized the no. SO guys, if neone gets a call from this number, don't call back & save the number as 'BEGGARS'.:-[

they were not the Airtel guys dude... the no. that u have written here is International.. may be of pakistan.. cant say surely..and how long did u talked to them?
Airtel wont refund you should have seen the no.'s before dialing back...Its not Airtel's fault..dont blame them !
Fcking Airtel have cheated my Rs35/- without no reason and now they are not taking my call after I have complained.....:@:@:@
Yesterday I got a call, saying they are from rashi India. +912267668890. He asked for feedback about Rashi services, and i was already pissed off about rashi, and what theyve been doin on my asus mobo [rmaed 4 times ijn 4 months]. I told him everything i had to suffer coz of rashi.

Did anybody too had such calls ? I dont even know how they got my number.
Well its a call from pak and airtel on website and on bills mention abt such fake calls. so if someone calling from out of india and u missed call and call to find who that was being charged 100 rs hows that Airtel's mistake and why they should refund.
I think the caller have some auto/Computer setup, as because there's no Plus + sign before the Number

The number starts right away from 92.....

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