Airtel Speed Boost [Delhi?]

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Crazysah said:
As in Power-Cycle?

Is there a way to do it through
Or some other way?
Dunno....i always do it manually by disconnecting power wire and then connecting it back...
Airtel is upgrading its DSLAMs at a major scale, so they put u on flush for that time with no bandwidth throttling ur "tag" till the DSLAM is up again. So don't anticipate these jolts to be future permanent, just for the time till the up-gradations are done.
Ok guys, not really a speed boost per se but since morning, I've been getting true 256kbps connection, with my torrents doing 30-33 KB/s.

I've been on this Home999 plan since one-and-a-half years now and this is the first time that i'm getting such speeds..Otherwise the torrent d/l speeds would hover around 24-26 KB/s max.

Anyone else experiencing the same (esp. guys in Delhi NCR)?
^^Me too.

My net had been going haywire -d/cing in between for the whole morning till 12:30.

After that have been getting 28k whereas i normally get 23k

EDIT: Still going pretty weird....getting 64kB through IDM but net d/c randomly :S
^^ I haven't had any disconnections like this ever. Time for you to call up CC and give them a piece of your mind. For all you know, your modem might be on its last leg..*Hope not* :)

Also, try limiting your U/L speed to 16-17 KB/s during daytime & 32-33 KB/s at nights. It has helped me reach better D/L speeds..Might work for you as well. ;)
I was getting true 256kbps too. That was yesterday. Havnt checked today (logged in from office). Will check once i reach home. Me too in Gurgaon.
This is a weird tactic by Airtel....instead of giving 2mbps they give us 256kbps but at full speeds for first time :rofl:
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