Airtel Xtream - Clarifications

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I need to clear several questions regarding Xtream. We are having Airtel Black with Broadband+Postpaid.
We currently use tatasky DTH and use it regularly for watching news BBC, NDTV, CNN, some local channels some are only on DTH.

Is Airtel Xtream useful in our criteria.
My queries:
1) Does it need any Dish setup? If so how is it connected.
2) Are the DTH plans need to be separetly purchased. If so how much. Are they bundled with Black?
3) I am aware that it is slow. But want to reduce the number of devices to connect to and to stop confusing my parents. Already have to contend with TV Os, Firestick, DTH
I was thinking of replacing firestick and DTH with xtream box. Will it reduce the confusion.
4) Do they charge installation cost seperately?
5) Does it have an advantage over TATASky Binge Plus?
6) Are these promo plans or regular plans? If so what will be the charges after promo period. Also will the OTT apps Prime, Hotstar, Zee be renewed every month or any promo plans. I am well aware of the promo plans in the past.

Also requesting users to pour your views on their service.
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I can clarify few points as I'm active user of Airtel xtream (only fiber line):

1) No, it does not have dish setup. Everything is over internet coming over fiber line.
2) -
3) This will depend upon requirement and person to person. And yes xtream box will have those apps installed which you can use.
4) I was not charged for it. Better to check with provider in your local area or CC
5) Cannot comment as have not used TataSky Binge Plus
6) There are different plans promo and non promo. I think airtel website lists down all the plan nicely which you can check.
Check out this video, very well explained. Search on YouTube "Airtel Xstream Box Vs Tata Play Binge Plus 4K Android Box - Best OTT Plans Which One To Buy ?".
If your parents are used to old non-android-based set-top box, they are not going to like (in fact they will hate them so much) these new 4K set-top boxes. It takes a lot of time for everything from booting up to changing channels. I had opted for Airtel Xstream but rolled back to Tatasky's old set-top box just after just one month as my parents complained about it every single day. So I now use OTT on my NVIDIA Shield device as needed instead.
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