All in a day's work !!!

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Hmm...whats with my name being used everywhere???:bleh:

Do i look that dangerous??? :ohyeah:

Or am i just the right person to pick up fights???:D:D:D:D :ohyeah: ;)

Maybe it has something to do with my post count....A conspiracy against me or something:bleh:

Nice ones:D
Abhijit S: hmm...u have witch on urlist too?
Abhijit S: cool man...being a mod n so many contacts
Saiyan: lol
Saiyan: u mean switch eh?
Abhijit S: yeah :rofl:
Abhijit S: oops
Saiyan: i was wondering who is witch
Abhijit S: :P

Switch=witch j/k:)
Weather ppl call me Witch or Switch or beeecccchhhh.... The fact of the matter is... I pwn! you all muuuaaaaahhhhhhhh
another Bakra....


udit- Arudit (TE)

abhi182- Superczar

arudit90: hey

abhi182: hi

arudit90: who r u

arudit90: and how do i know you

abhi182: This is SC from TE :P

abhi182: superczar

arudit90: oh ok!!

arudit90: so you added me .. or vice-versA?

abhi182: don rem'

arudit90: wht do you do

abhi182: i rule the minions :P

arudit90: dude.. i m serious

arudit90: dont act goofy

abhi182: i feel like acting goofy :P

arudit90: ok!!

arudit90: dick..

abhi182: why getting pissed dood?

abhi182: I never called u names :D

arudit90: lol

arudit90: i have an habit to like use profainity alot

arudit90: i m a great fan of ERIC CARTMAN

abhi182: which isn't xactly right

arudit90: well yea.. but as long as it goes well

arudit90: my girlfriend doesnt mind ;)

abhi182: hmmmm....she too may be a SP fan

arudit90: naa

arudit90: she aint

abhi182: so what do u do?

arudit90: STUDY

abhi182: hey what's ur nick on te?

arudit90: wt u do

arudit90: except rulin the ****in minions

abhi182: i work

arudit90: arudit

arudit90: wht age r u again and where do you work

arudit90: and wht qualifications do you own

arudit90: halo..

abhi182: i'm 25....I am a High school dropout

arudit90: dont kid me man

abhi182: yup


arudit90: HEHE

arudit90: BILL GATES?

abhi182: anyway,,,,tis a long story

abhi182: no way

abhi182: my parents were not that supportive ;)

abhi182: so they disowned me

abhi182: so i came to chennai, and am running a small business of my own

arudit90: ok!!

arudit90: disowned

arudit90: whts that supposed to mean

abhi182: i didn't want to study any longer :P

arudit90: they dint love you

arudit90: ok

arudit90: how were u at studies

abhi182: obviously takes a lot to fail hi-school

abhi182: how r u dng?

arudit90: hehe

abhi182: tell me dood

arudit90: i m like a 88-89% student

arudit90: you got a gf

abhi182: no gal would like to talk to a hi-school dropout....;)

abhi182: Tell me if u can get me one

arudit90: lol i dun think so

arudit90: your the one who has neever talked

arudit90: to em

arudit90: i think

abhi182: um. yeah, ///i'm a mighty sheepish chap

arudit90: im talking to this really hot chic and shes showin me her pics

arudit90: you wanna see

abhi182: sure...why not

abhi182: ya dood, she sure is hot

arudit90: yea man i know

abhi182: the 4th pic is

arudit90: yea

abhi182: oh well...dashing young men like u alwayz get the hot chix

arudit90: hehe

arudit90: you wanna c my gf

abhi182: sure...why not

arudit90: its not that clear

abhi182: zat's ok

arudit90: so you got one

abhi182: cool....

abhi182: nahhh man, as i said, chix don't dig geeks

arudit90: lol dude

arudit90: i m a g33k

arudit90: my gf calls me a n3rd

arudit90: my id on te is arudit

arudit90: you know me?

abhi182: not really...not from the pics at least

abhi182: think i do

abhi182: Think we were ona conf sometime back when u went all out lambasting NE folks ;)

arudit90: NE?

arudit90: oh ya

arudit90: well that was jus a personal notion

arudit90: no offence

abhi182: hehe...I don't mind

abhi182: just that you should be a lil careful about exposing ur prejudices....

abhi182: Just friendly pc of advice :P

arudit90: lol dude see this convo i m having with the girl i showed you the pic of


abhi182: hehe

abhi182: neat

arudit90: chics today r so

arudit90: so grouse

arudit90: i hate em

abhi182: gross u mean?

arudit90: thank god my gfs not taht way

arudit90: well

arudit90: i like to spell it that way so people understand

abhi182: hmmm...Ok

arudit90: hehe


arudit90: yes man

abhi182: and u studting in...lemmer guess....XIIth/Ist yr?

arudit90: no man

arudit90: i m in 10th :D

arudit90: i look older

abhi182: these days sure start young :D

arudit90: ;) but i excel at studies

arudit90: thats wht its important

arudit90: doo all of it without forgettin the aim in life

abhi182: i guess so, but u hurting my raw nerve there dood

abhi182: :P

arudit90: hehe

abhi182: so what else is up...

abhi182: what plans after 10th?

arudit90: IIT-JEE

abhi182: cool

now the fun starts

abhi182: BTW do you know eddy?

arudit90: eddy

arudit90: crazy _eddy

abhi182: yup

abhi182: and the mask

arudit90: yea

arudit90: abu_30

arudit90: why

abhi182: hey, but be4 we get into this...

abhi182: Plz tell me you won't reveal this to anyone else

arudit90: i wont man trst me wit tat

abhi182: oh..hehe

abhi182: well, if u r serious bout preparing for the JEE...

arudit90: yea

arudit90: i m really serious man

abhi182: Call me a superstitious man if you will

arudit90: all of my flirtins gonna stop on 31st dec

arudit90: ok

arudit90: tell me man

arudit90: tell me

arudit90: i go to the temple every saturday

abhi182: but I'd seriously suggest u stay away from TE

abhi182: coz i'm not the only loser out there...

arudit90: i m takin off the internet connection @ my house on the 31st of this month

abhi182: there r a bunch of the admins and many old timer members

abhi182: who are losers in terms of acads like me

arudit90: ok!! go ahead

abhi182: call it fate or a freak chance

arudit90: ok shure kumar

arudit90: but isnt knowin computers a better achievment

arudit90: doin better in studies is

abhi182: i mean doin beter in studies and carving a good career is obviously preferable...isn't it

arudit90: yes it is definetely

abhi182: guess who else dropped outta 12th?

arudit90: i wanna work as an software engineer

arudit90: who did

abhi182: take a coupla guess...

abhi182: at least a few will hit the target straight

arudit90: abu

Abu=The mASK btw

arudit90: umm

arudit90: hmm

abhi182: bingo for 1

abhi182: to be as/w engnr, you don't need to be a stud at hardware

arudit90: yea

arudit90: but te is all bout h/w i guess

abhi182: i'm in the hqardware business so i spend alotta time there

abhi182: exactly

arudit90: ok!!

abhi182: anyway...hazard another guess

arudit90: yes man your right

arudit90: umm

arudit90: DEEJAY

abhi182: go ahead

arudit90: funky_monkey

abhi182: 1 of 2 is correct

arudit90: ok!!

arudit90: funky monkey i guess

abhi182: yups

arudit90: ok

abhi182: dood

abhi182: I was kidding all the time

arudit90: WHAT

abhi182: neither am I a school dropout

abhi182: :P

arudit90: yea man i know

arudit90: you seem an IITIAN

abhi182: but this should go to All in a day's worjkk thread ;)

arudit90: lol

arudit90: f**k you

arudit90: your not goin to post it on TE

abhi182: :))

Poor Masky.... a high school dropout.....

Funky too!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

pwnd !!!! Awesome !!! Funky..Masky..!!!

and Deejay ??? :rofl: !!!
WTH, Your infecting my privacy. This is going to the umm, the same place where the phone tapping deal went. Ill have revenge..
Look at the no. of ppl viewing this thread.
Looks like the best thread on TE , rather happening thread ;)

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