All in a day's work !!!

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arudit said:
WTH, Your infecting my privacy. This is going to the umm, the same place where the phone tapping deal went. Ill have revenge..

in this life or the next..
ROFLMAO superczar...
WTH, Your infecting my privacy. This is going to the umm, the same place where the phone tapping deal went. Ill have revenge..

all in jest dude :P

after all u r the one who came charging & called me a D@$k for no fault of mine :ohyeah:
i think i will have to be on vigil now a days so that i am not trapped on becoming a bakra on such conversation

hilarious thread:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
oh cummon Udit.... lighten up.... have a sense of humour.

If you see, most of TE's prominent members have been fooled in this thread.... You are joining an elite club :P
this just in.. :ohyeah:
Preetham: today i knifed vunami
Preetham: that fellow was sniping in upper tunnel
Abu: lolol..
Preetham: i came from the lower tunnel whit a knife in my hand and knifed him
Preetham: he got angry and kicked me off
Abu: :rofl:
Preetham: that was realy ODD
Abu: why/
Preetham: see i know he's a great player but humans do mistakes
Preetham: so why should be angry about me
Abu: well.. u r talking about a school kid.. what cud ya expect :P

for the uninitiated, vuns = kidoman here..
TheMask said:
this just in.. :ohyeah:
for the uninitiated, vuns = kidoman here..

well by any chance, wud the Vunami he knifed happen to have something like this VuNaMi @ tag? coz quite a few ppl with admin rights are playing with that tag :P

if not then lemme kick vunami also :P
argus_smith said:
lol preetham...i saw there n i saw that:rofl:
edit: rave..i think it was THE vUnAmI :P

hehe, thing is i want to know who did the kicking part, coz knifing vunami is easy :P [yea, rite...]
HBO thread =

Zhop has posted this " Spoilsport :tongue:

Anyways? Is there any chance of getting the DVDs? Only time I got free DVDs was for Ubuntu. And I don't even use them. :ohyeah:"

And after that, Eddy, Funky, udit and me had posted the EXACT same thing.

Chat with Eddy soon after

Nikhil B: Nice job on that HBO free DVD thread

Crazy_Eddy: thanks! :P

Nikhil B: Now see, Funky, me, anish and Udit have replied

Crazy_Eddy: yeah i just saw :rofl:

Crazy_Eddy: now waitin for Xto to come and clean it out :rofl:

Nikhil B: lol

Nikhil B: Let us see

Much later.

Nikhil B: did you clean up that thread??

Crazy_Eddy: yeah

Nikhil B: lol

Crazy_Eddy: i saw Xterminator hoverin above it

Nikhil B: :rofl: :rofl:

Crazy_Eddy: quickly deleted

Nikhil B: This is going into the AIDW thread

Crazy_Eddy: :P

Proof that even G-mods are afraid of XT :P :rofl: :rofl:

What do you threaten them with XT?? :P
^ Hehe it wasnt that way. Just knew the game was up, so rather than hassle poor ol' Xto.. I deleted it myself :ohyeah:
Actually...i was not going to sign in:P
Came online to check the Mumbai Meet thread and saw replies there...and in that HBO DVD thread....signed in....
Selected the posts for deletion after reading all the note that there were about 4 typos in the reply made by Funky and copied by the rest....Its just for ur good that Eddy deleted the posts from that thread before i did....else it was a closed thread:P
When i saw Eddy on that thread...i refreshed the page to see that those posts were deleted:P

Anyways me off now...
As for scaring ppl....i dont know whats with that:P as all ppl think of me as scary....i wonder why too:ohyeah:
Though i think ppl who have personally met me MAY think otherwise:P
i was shocked to c the picture of XT in meet thread's and was thinking.... wth y is that every one are afraid of XT:huh: Is it that this guy has :admin u r all afraid of him:P
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