All in a day's work !!!

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Interesting, coconut oil on a fan...which still works???:P

Seems a bit too far fetched doesnt it?:bleh:

Anyways, Ren, use machine oil from the next time man....this Coconut oil is pretty harmful...and not to mention the smell:bleh:

Oh and Rishi was right about one thing...Run for ur life if u ever see smoke coming out of ur cabby...coz u gotta know that Coconut oil will light up ur GFX card followed by the other stuff...leading to a small explosion:)
So be careful....:rofl:
TOI Lucknow Headline:

Big Bada Boom in Lucknow fries Ren's GPU

The explosion also left a small crater that still reeks of Coconut Oil :P
It was just a small drop.. :@
But guys the fan is running pretty smooth now. Was about to replace the fan anyway. And who has time to get oil at 3 in the night. I am pretty eccentric when it comes to doing things. :P
@ renegade,
dont worry your fan and card both should be fine. actually we do not know how much quantity of oil you managed to pour in. just a small ,very tiny, drop is sufficient. over-oiling is worse then no or very little oil.

ps: next time you go to a petrol station take a small bottle with you and coax those guys to give you a free sample of the very thin "differential / axle" oil. this is very good for sleeve bearing fans. remember the thinner the oil the better .....
Hilarious convo!

Lol guys.. check this out..

My cousin tellin me.. CORE DUO2 (Core 2 Duo) SuK! and AMD2 (AM2) Rocks!

And later he calls me a hippocrite for saying AMD's rocked last year, and Intel rocks currently :rofl:..

He says hes waiting for Cell processors, which were to come in March 06, but got delayed.. :rofl:.. I asked for a Link, he didnt have any :rofl:...

Trust me, and dl the attachment... :rofl:..


:rofl: :rofl: Your cousin is another Techboy. That was hilarious. A new driver for AM2 is gonna release in August :S :S :P
Kumar Abhinav = Superczar
Kumar Abhinav: hey
Vince: Hey Abhinav! wassup?
Kumar Abhinav: mothing much
Kumar Abhinav: turned out U_Ds mobo is screwed
Kumar Abhinav: the opty and memory ran fine on my mobo
Vince: Praveens?
Kumar Abhinav: yup..
Kumar Abhinav: but the opty as well as my Proccy fizzled out in 2 mins on the biostar mobo
Vince: so he can return/exchange it right?
Kumar Abhinav: i guess so
Vince: but the hassle
Kumar Abhinav: ya
Kumar Abhinav: too much of a pain
Kumar Abhinav: dropped the price on the thinbkpad to 36
Kumar Abhinav: no takers as yet though
Vince: LOL.. drat.. thats a good piece
Kumar Abhinav: Ya, Praveen had come down otday
Kumar Abhinav: he was like ..I'd have picked it up if had free cash
Kumar Abhinav: damn, guess the M1210 will have to wait
Vince: poor you!
Vince: and how about the PMP?
Kumar Abhinav: Not yet
Kumar Abhinav: Vince again was like..if only you'd be selling it 2 mnths ago
Vince: er.. who am i
Kumar Abhinav: ewww...sorry
Kumar Abhinav: I thought I was talkin to freaky ...LOL
Vince: OMG
Kumar Abhinav:
Kumar Abhinav: shucks
Kumar Abhinav: Sorry dude
Vince: No prob
Kumar Abhinav: I keep mixing the real names with the nicks
Kumar Abhinav: LOL...sorry
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