All in a day's work !!!

my first encounter with this thread :p so i had renegade on my messenger list, and the display name as rakesh. so i assumed it was enigmatrix, who is a close friend, and who lost his hdd recently...

SRI : hey
Rakesh : hey
SRI : so got ur hdd back huh
Rakesh : ermm.. back??
SRI : lol
SRI : new hdd kya?
Rakesh : which HDD were we talking about.. but first whom are you talking to? i mean who am i?
SRI : rakesh
Rakesh : and what is my TE id
SRI : enigmatrix?
Rakesh : hehe
Rakesh : well my name is rahul.. rakesh is my dad's name and I use it as my last name
Rakesh: my TE id is Renegade
SRI : lol
SRI : hey sorry dude
Rakesh : no prob
SRI : got u mixed up with someone else
Rakesh : i know
SRI : lol this chat made my day
Rakesh : hehe

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Rahul: so whats so special about tha day
saiyans: wat day
saiyans: today?
Rahul: yeah
saiyans: my dad is buying a X1900XT
Rahul: why is he buying a X1900XT..
Rahul: he plays games too
Rahul: :p
saiyans: for me
Rahul: oh I thot you were going to propose some girl
saiyans: :no:
saiyans: well kind of
saiyans: am proposing to ruby
Rahul: well proposing a gal is more fun than that stupid X1900XT
saiyans: the ATI girl
Rahul: hehe.. but she is a whore.. she has entertained millions.. you wont enjoy it now
saiyans: i will
saiyans: i love her
saiyans: yippppeeee!!!!!!
Rahul: but she cares not a bit about you.. she will treat you just like any other of her customer..
Rahul: entertain you and thats it.. there is no love in that
saiyans: i love her
saiyans: thats enough
saiyans: my dad called
saiyans: he is buying it soon
saiyans: yippeee!!!!!
saiyans: damn its late
Rahul: you mean buying HER soon
Rahul: wow what a dad
Now if my dad was doing that for me I would be really embarassed.. saiyan seemed to be elated.. :bleh:
Switch said:
Well as we all know... All the noobs come to us leets when it comes to hardware decisions :bleh: and if you call them a pimp then you just stepped on thier tail... This is what ends up happening after that...

Renegade wanted to buy a 6600 and PMed me for help... But the Subject of the PM said... Hey you PIMP/Dealer help me here... This is what followed :p...
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Convo between Inzider and me.....
Nikhil says:

am back

Nikhil says:

2 screws lighter

Wu says:


Wu says:


Nikhil says:

me is fine

Nikhil says:

still got that IV needle in my hand.... need to go back twice tomorrow for 4 more injections

Wu says:

that IV thing is fun

Nikhil says:


Wu says:

try injecting UV reactive fluid into it

Nikhil says:

:rofl: :rofl:

Wu says: you'll glow in front of a UV CCFL :p

hmm....nice idea !! That would be a good way to mod myself :p One step ahead all you rig modders :p
 TE | Saiyan says:
am hungry 
Praveen says:
go eat
 TE | Saiyan says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
i had my dinner 
Praveen says:
you are in your house right?
 TE | Saiyan says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
well yeah
 TE | Saiyan says:
there is cockroach in the kitchen re 
 TE | Saiyan says:
can't go there now
 TE | Saiyan says:
wonder how it came 
Praveen says:
you scared of that cockroach?
 TE | Saiyan says:
yucky creature
 TE | Saiyan says:
can't stand the look of them
Praveen says:
then dont look at them  
Praveen says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
now that i know its there
 TE | Saiyan says:
will go and call my mom in 5 mins 
 TE | Saiyan says:
she is the best in killing those creeps
Praveen says:
Praveen says:
this is going in AIDW
Praveen says:
what say?
 TE | Saiyan says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
Praveen says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
am going in
Praveen says:
 TE | Saiyan says:
killing that creep
 TE | Saiyan says:
Praveen says:

Now more woes against saiyan - he is out on the look :detect: for Roaches
Here comes


COCKroach killer

EDIT: ppl our hero just killed it!!
^^ :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

why do ya need a harry poter's broom stick?? use your powers nah?? or are the roaches immune to those things from namek?? :tongue:

arrre.. just use ruby re!! she's all red and hot and good at killing roachess......:rofl:
I also hate cockroaches....they are vile and disgusting creatures....

Am not afraid of them but whenever I see one, I feel disgusted..... I absolutely hate them....
Yucks.............Even I hate cockroaches .........they are so disgusting and creepy..........:no:

I also hate rats.........


Just hate to see them in my kitchen..............don't feel like eating anything after that...........Yucks

But I am not Scared of them........

Actually..........I am.................of those BIGGER ones.................:ashamed:

I cannot kill them.........Itz so disgusting............