All in a day's work !!!

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Saiyan, phished and pwned :bleh:
Convo between myself and Saiyan
Wu says:
hey dude

TE | Saiyan says:
hi pal
how are ya

Wu says:
i just coded a crush test
you wanna check it out ?

TE | Saiyan says:
wat test ??

Wu says:
Crush Test

TE | Saiyan says:

Wu says:

TE | Saiyan says:
1 sec

Wu says:
terrible password man

TE | Saiyan says:
how the hell did u know that

Wu says:
oh wow
i know everything

TE | Saiyan says:
wat else u know now
not fair

Wu says:
jokes apart
that aint a good password man

TE | Saiyan says:
Wu says:
i phished you
i sent you a fake login screen
you typed in your login details
and it got mailed to me

TE | Saiyan says:

Wu says:
don't mind me :bleh:
cockroaches look awefull..


yaap, they really do :P
Funky said:
Joke of the day candidate....

Well its a stale joke now.. dont even bother what darky says about his hardware plans. :bleh:
PS: Oh you've blocked him too.. :hap2:
yeah..... I also saw that and was thinking of posting it :P .....

It is not just joke of the day but joke of the century :P
i dint get the joke.. but still.. OT: how is msn messenger looking like tat.. i recently downloaded the latest version from but stil its looking the same old.. (using win 2k.. wil the OS matters?)
Akshit says:
got ur board and cpu ?
Amey says:
huh ?
Akshit says:
havent seen any of ur OCs yet ..
Akshit says:
dats y askin ..
Amey says:
you dont know ?
Amey says:
have left the scene
Amey says:
hardware n OC
Amey says:
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
uve got to be kiddin me ?!
Akshit says:
why ?
Akshit says:
when ?
Amey says:
its been some time now
Amey says:
i am serious
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
and we dint have a ceremony or nething on TE ?
Akshit says:
u serious ?
Amey says:
Amey says:
what ceremony ?
Amey says:

Amey says:
yeha i am serious
Amey says:
atleast for tiem being
Akshit says:
ab aaye naa line pe
Akshit says:
"atleast for the time being"
Akshit says:
matlab till ur X6800 arrives
Amey says:
Akshit says:
Amey says:
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
Amey says:
will just do a dry shot when the WC is done properly
Amey says:
then leave it
Amey says:
forver maybe
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
like my dad quits smokin everyday
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
one dry shot
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
Amey says:
meaning one last attempt
Akshit says:
haan haan
Amey says:
well for starters
Amey says:
i cancelled Abit
Akshit says:
you're tellin me when you see the cpuz clock thing read 3ghz
Amey says:
so did OCZ
Akshit says:
u arent gonna wanna hit 3.5 ?
Akshit says:
Amey says:
Amey says:
so thats proof enough
Amey says:
Akshit says:
achcha ?
Amey says:
and if you say money might be a problem
Akshit says:
A-Bit cancelled ?
Amey says:
thats not the case
Akshit says:
yea yea ... we all know how rich u are
Amey says:
have 32-36 k hard cash right now
Akshit says:
modded the MSI or what ?
Amey says:
thats not the point
Amey says:
saving for something else
Amey says:
and thats not hardware
Akshit says:
me saving for the ZUNE !
Akshit says:
its soooo good
Akshit says:
cmon darky ..
Amey says:
Akshit says:
dont u wanna go into the BIOS and hit 500 FSB ?
Akshit says:
dont u think a sub 12s time'd luk damn neat ?
Akshit says:
just imagine
Akshit says:
best overclock on an E6600 - DarkLord from TE
Akshit says:
news all over XS
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
socho !!
Amey says:
Amey says:
i am over that
Akshit says:
Akshit says:
sub 12 s SP !
Akshit says:
Amey says:
dont care anymore re
Akshit says:
y not ?
Akshit says:
if ppl like u quit, then indian ocing scene ka kya hoyega !?!
Amey says:
just like that
Amey says:
nothing is gonna happen
Akshit says:
u've inspired so many n00bs like me to OC
Amey says:
Amey says:
inspiration and from me ?
Akshit says:
Amey says:
lol you must be kiddin
Amey says:
i have done anything great
Akshit says:
Amey says:
just that i was a true hardcore enthusiast once upon a time
Akshit says:
and now you've temporarily retd ?
Amey says:
that temporary retirement might mostly become permenant
Amey says:
who knows
At first i thought he was lying. But now ! :( ...

R.I.P. OCing.:no: :(
he is absolutely lying

he had said the same thing before getting E6600 & going water

liar liar pants on fire :P
^^ Well it seems you all just dont believe me do you ?

Anyways only time will tell whether i was lying or no.....
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