All in a day's work !!!

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superczar said:
omg..saiyan is the undisputed king of AITW

I can almost picture Saiyan rattling away in French to those poor Mumbai auto rick buggers

i just mentioned that i know french :P, am not a retard to go and talk to Auto wallas in French :bleh:
Saiyan said:
i just mentioned that i know french :P, am not a retard to go and talk to Auto wallas in French :bleh:

next thing saiyan will do is kiss autowallahs in french style :lol:
A day in a life with Rivunited: An american born confused desi XD

[The Sorcerer] says:

HEY DUDE!!!!!!!!! Hows LA

Rivunited says:

great man

Rivunited says:
[The Sorcerer] says:


[The Sorcerer] says:

any ies

Rivunited says:

but its been raining for a day and it will rain for 2 more... bad storm

Rivunited says:

i got a laptop

Rivunited says:

a really nice deal

[The Sorcerer] says:
Rivunited says:

got a viao

Rivunited says:


Rivunited says:

brb 2min

[The Sorcerer] says:


[The Sorcerer] says:

when u come back let me know

[The Sorcerer] says:

something important

Rivunited says:

ya wut is it

Rivunited says:


Rivunited says:

ill be coming back in june

[The Sorcerer] says:


[The Sorcerer] says:

thanks yaar

[The Sorcerer] says:

your such a nice guy

[The Sorcerer] says:

when you come you will get 20k reps

Rivunited says:
Rivunited says:


[The Sorcerer] says:

you arranged a massive GO

[The Sorcerer] says:

WE AT [TE] appreciate your eFfort

Rivunited says:

lol ok maybe not massive.. but if u want i can get some stuff u want

[The Sorcerer] says:


[The Sorcerer] says:


Rivunited says:


Rivunited says:

i thot u were gonna ask for some hardware

[The Sorcerer] says:

actually i wanted that starbucks cofFee thing which was put up in the forums somwhere

[The Sorcerer] says:

Lol its a hardware....but for *ahem* uses

Rivunited says:

:rofl: .u guys have lotta i almost fell of da chair readin saiyans and socerers conversation..
and lolz ..XT too good...:rofl:

sadly i dont have most of you ..on my messenger list. other than
XT..,spacescreamer ,arihant and few others... and yeah also Anish...(.who is always busy :P )
so if any of you guys wanna add me..on yahoo..(thats where i am most of da time..and once in a while on msn/g talk)..

here you go :


or else..msn ..
Anuj = 200mph

:rofl: :rofl:

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:18):


Nikhil says (22:18):


Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:18):

is something wrong with TE

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:18):


Nikhil says (22:18):


Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:18):

Saiyan has taken over TE. The rest of the staff are coming to grips with this eventuality(Last update was Bottle fainted and Apex ran away). While the management tries to wrangle its way out of this tricky situation, TE has been closed for a short while.

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:18):


Nikhil says (22:18):


Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:18):

whts the jok

Nikhil says (22:18):

Saiyan has rebelled. he is a mod naa

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:18):


Nikhil says (22:18):

he has hijacked the site

Nikhil says (22:18):

since he is a mod, he has powers to delete threads, etc.

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:19):

reblled why ?

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:19):

yeah i get that

Nikhil says (22:19):

he has deleted almost 400 threads on TE

Nikhil says (22:19):

so, they disabled the site while they try t orecover

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:19):


Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:27):

there is a new msg up on te

Nikhil says (22:27):

i know

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:27):

something is seriously wrong

Nikhil says (22:27):


Nikhil says (22:27):

I spoke to Safin...

Nikhil says (22:27):

he says Saiyan is asking for free tickets to Mysore and free food at Cubs

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:28):

huh ?

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:28):

whats wrong ?

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:28):

fre tickets foods

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:28):


Nikhil says (22:28):

cubs is this place in mysore which saiyan loves

Nikhil says (22:28):

he wants free food from there

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:28):

i get that , but stop a forum for that

Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:28):


Anuj - Enigma Retuned says (22:28):

Nikhil says (22:28):

saiyan is greedy man

Nikhil says (22:28):

you havent met him
Anuj - Enigma Retuned

sounds so much of like a joke to me


it isnt

Nikhil :i have met him

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : are they fixing some issues ?

Nikhil : no man

Nikhil :all issues were fixed a few days back

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : okay .

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : i think they wont have saiyan any more as a MOD then

Nikhil :of course not

Nikhil : his privileges have already been revoked

Nikhil : but too late

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : oooo

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : thats bad

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : but i still dont get it , for free food n tickets to mysore someone hacks a site

Nikhil : not hacking

Anuj - Enigma Retuned :yeah not hacking

Nikhil : he was given a lot of responsibility which he is now misusing

Anuj - Enigma Retuned:still in a way its use less as of now

Nikhil : and Cubs is simply awesome man

Nikhil : I would also hack any damn site for food from there

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : lol

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : Saiyan is now making himself a milkshake. This is getting very annoying. There is disgruntlement brewing within the staff. And this within 20 minutes of takeover. ?

Nikhil : hmm

Nikhil :i guess he is too interested in the milkshake to negotiate with the mods and admins

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : i got little idea abt this , but cant a admin / owner get things fixed

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : w/o saiyans help

Nikhil :they are trying that too

Nikhil :Apex is negotiating along with Mask and Bottle and Crazy Eddy

Nikhil: Safin is trying to get the site back w/o saiyan's help

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : okay okay

Anuj - Enigma Retuned : but this is crazy suddenly u want to screw a place for food. i mean i get there is awesome food but ... i dont get it

Anuj - Enigma Retuned :or may be i need to go to cubs my self and check it out

Nikhil : it is crazy.... i know

@Anuj ---- Buddy, I was just messing with you :D
i dont know man , never seen what a forum mod has got powers to do ... this is how the convo ended but ...
1/25/2008 10:00:31 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil how was dubai trio
1/25/2008 10:00:33 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil trip*
1/25/2008 10:00:40 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil what all shopping u had ur hands on
1/25/2008 10:00:41 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil ?
1/25/2008 10:00:51 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned nothing much
1/25/2008 10:00:55 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned nothing actually
1/25/2008 10:01:01 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned I did better shopping in bangalore :D
1/25/2008 10:01:06 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil oh
1/25/2008 10:01:10 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil what new stuff
1/25/2008 10:01:10 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil ?
1/25/2008 10:01:54 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned momo wheel and 2x250 gb hdds
1/25/2008 10:02:02 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil oh nice nice
1/25/2008 10:02:10 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil raid 0 the hdd ?
1/25/2008 10:02:16 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil seagates single platter
1/25/2008 10:02:17 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil ?
1/25/2008 10:02:32 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil i just got my self a single platter 250 gb some days back
1/25/2008 10:02:41 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned no
1/25/2008 10:02:50 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned want to have security instead of speed
1/25/2008 10:03:05 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned anyway ttyl
1/25/2008 10:03:15 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil okay
1/25/2008 10:03:16 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil cya
1/25/2008 10:29:36 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil i think its a prank going on TE
1/25/2008 10:29:37 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil hehe
1/25/2008 11:08:59 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned
1/25/2008 11:10:34 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil :@
1/25/2008 11:10:36 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil lol
1/25/2008 11:11:00 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned hehe :D
1/25/2008 11:11:22 PM Anuj - Enigma Retuned Nikhil u should have posted my offline msg also
1/25/2008 11:11:36 PM Nikhil Anuj - Enigma Retuned which one :S
faheem_tech_freak: oyeee !!


faheem_tech_freak: !!

Super...: !!

faheem_tech_freak: ass...u hacked TE !!! ?


Super...: yea..


faheem_tech_freak: lolzzz.

Super...: gave it as a gift to bin's grand gautha


faheem_tech_freak: lolzz.

faheem_tech_freak: whoz bin ?

Super...: now all thee shitz belong to them..

faheem_tech_freak: osama bin laden ?

Super...: yea

faheem_tech_freak: and whoz her grand daughter ?

Super...: u dunno..

Super...: zomg..

Super...: she super hot man.


Super...: wtf do u do on net?

faheem_tech_freak: why is she some chick

faheem_tech_freak: lemme see

faheem_tech_freak: on net

Super...: yea..

faheem_tech_freak: i am only on TE

faheem_tech_freak: and wid other chicks

faheem_tech_freak: on orkut

faheem_tech_freak: lolz


Super...: k..

Super...: u'll ditch them after seeing her..

faheem_tech_freak: ohhh

faheem_tech_freak: naah i wont

faheem_tech_freak: cause ..i knw ..tht i will never get bin's grand daughter

faheem_tech_freak: lolz

Super...: kok

Super...: ll*

Super...: lol*

faheem_tech_freak: whats her name ?

Super...: google la

faheem_tech_freak: what will i google

faheem_tech_freak: osama's grand daughter ?

faheem_tech_freak: lolz


faheem_tech_freak: these r da results i get :osama bin laden's granddaughter ? - Google Search



Super...: ZOMG...u actually googled it..

Super...: LMAO

faheem_tech_freak: asss so u were joking !!

Super...: guess..


faheem_tech_freak: i tht it was for real

faheem_tech_freak: u never knw...osama has so many wifes

faheem_tech_freak: one of them may have prouduces a sexy chick naah !
uhhh ...i don know how i fell for that.abt the hackin thing i knew it was a joke ..

.but i really thought that Osama must be havin b'ful lookin daughter/grand daughter...& Saiyan must be completely crazy for her :P
After a lengthy (n serious) staff conference..

Safin says:

ok cia fellows and please email me *cant say out loud* and anything else you wanna ask

Bottle says:

are you an alien ?

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