Saiyan: when ravin got down from mano's car, he forgot take that chick toy
Chaos: lololol
Chaos: u mean duck toy
Saiyan: i shouted, "ravin take ur chick"
Saiyan: he was searching for a "chic" in the road
Chaos: lololol
bottle: arre when a perrvert tels you to see that chick what to do
bottle: and also its a duck
Chaos: hahahaha yea
Saiyan: oh ok watever
bottle: so what the fook do u want me to do
Chaos: yajirobe self pwnage
Chaos: :rofl:
Crazy_Eddy: :rofl:
Saiyan: $h1t happens
Chaos: hahahahahahahahaha
bottle: to u
Saiyan: and b'fore it gets worse, i'll go to my bed
Chaos: this shud go to AIDW
Saiyan: Hellboy
Mystic River
Rescue Dawn
American Gangster
We Own The Night
Brokeback Mountain
Death Sentence
Saiyan: thats all
Saiyan: new ones
Rahul: rofl
Rahul: brokeback mountain :-|
Saiyan: Almost Famous
Match Stick Men'
Rahul: y ??
Rahul: Y??
Rahul: Y???
Saiyan: i know its a gay movie
Rahul: lol
Rahul: AIDW
Saiyan: naaa, this is too simple for that
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
mere liye koi achhi ladki dhoondi?
Renegade says:
HR wali chalegi?
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
first impression mein fail kar degi
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
they can read ur mind u know
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
and they analyse ur every frickin move
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
Renegade says:
hmmm.. to phir to you need a coder chick
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
nahi re
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
too boring
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
stuck in a loop
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
Renegade says:
abe to kya chahiye
Renegade says:
club dancer chahiye
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
nahi re
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
too fast
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
too flirty
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
mere bas mein nahi rahegi
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
kya re- u ran out of options kay?
Renegade says:
abe I am multi tasking
Renegade says:
Renegade says:
mall sales woman?
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
if my GF, the world will enjoy oggling all day.
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
i can't handle that.
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
Renegade says:
interior designer?
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
will demand same stuff at home- i dont have that kinda moolah.
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
i was thinking about a nice girl from some small town
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
with good education and cultured family
Renegade says:
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
heard abt this chick called 'Renu:
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
Renegade says:
renu is engaged
Renegade says:
everyone wants the same thing <--- :O
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
AIDW stuff
BIKeINSTEIN *help says:
Renegade says:
Renegade says:
Now i feel bad for posting that- Renegade is a good man and has always supported me a lot like a lot of concerned seniors on TE do.TheMask said:lolol.. renu's sweet with bikey huh.. :devil:
:rofl:BIKeINSTEIN *help said:
Masky is gonna like this for sure
BIKeINSTEIN *help said:
Renegade said:
Renegade said:
yeah I am sure he will
BIKeINSTEIN *help said:
BIKeINSTEIN *help said:
he himself is in theprocess of getting married again
TheMask said:saiyan strikes back..
Saiyan: now my readings are 35-37-36-35 hehe
Abu: just add, Source: 'Saiyan's famous pick up lines'
bottle: :rofl:
oh, that was temp-talk on HDDs :lol: