Camera All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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Re: need dslr within 30k

BF1983 said:
^^ Live view is one of the least important thing in a DSLR. Video is OK and its sometimes useful but Live view is rarely useful except when using a tripod to check for manual focus.

Oops..I meant that one cannot capture video on a DSLR easily like in a point and shoot camera. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that most entry level DSLRs don't have a video function.

ashvarybabul said:
Harley Davidson are just like other good bikes...
Still people are more crazy about it...

Same is with DSLR...
I meant I don't know what brand is good in DSLRs i.e. which brand to go for :p. From what I've read, only Sony DSLRs are consumer friendly. I guess what the general public wants is good, crisp photos without the weaknesses of a point and shoot like poor low light photography, poor flash etc. and without the bulk of a DSLR and the complication of setting it up for shots. Sony does a good job in this department is what I've heard. Canon and Nikon are more for the professionals.

I believe that this micro 4/3 system was implemented towards achieving this. Wonder why these cams haven't made it to India :S?
Re: need dslr within 30k

sydras said:
Wonder why these cams haven't made it to India :S?

Olympus had brought the PEN series to the Photofair, so I assume they do retail it in India.
But quite honestly, for their price, I would rather get a real D-SLR, with a mirror et al.

About Sony's being more consumer friendly, that is not wholly true. Nikon cameras are one of the most beginner friendly cameras on the market. Even some one with relatively less knowledge and pick one of 'em up and start creating good photos.
However, In the end it all boils down to personal preference.
All the three manufacturers make great cameras, which take great pictures.

"The Best camera is the one that is in your hands"
I was planning to get myself a DSLR from US, through a friend of mine...wanted to know if the warranty by Canon is valid in India, if bought from US?
Parv said:
^^ You are confusing me :S

What should I buy? FZ35 or 1000D likes?

Answer this simple question parv..

Will you be comfortable with changing lenses and future investments? Getting a DSLR is just the beginning, u will have to invest time, money and require a lot of patience to get going.
The rewards are exceptional photos, satisfaction and a sense of purpose.

FZ35 will be easier and convenient but hey if the caveman would have decided to stay in his cave becoz it was convenient we would not be here today!! :)

I would say take the plunge.... buy a DSLR :hap2:
Parv said:
^^ You are confusing me :S

What should I buy? FZ35 or 1000D likes?

You have to narrow down your usage pattern with a DSLR you cannot:

1. Atleast on the entry level one video capture is non-existent

2. Cannot take to parties, or put into pocket etc. due to size

3. You will need to take good care of the system, as atleast in Mumbai the lenses are very susceptible to fungi

4. Kit lenses will not offer a lot of zoom, however you can buy telezoom lenses later.

5. Expensive


1. Better image quality as compared to Superzoom

2. Way better manual controls

3. Unlimited lens upgrade options

@Harish nope, I had asked the rep at Canon just a month back. However camera system failure rate is much lower then computer parts, and the price difference is huge. Worth the risk IMO
Aces170 said:
@Harish nope, I had asked the rep at Canon just a month back. However camera system failure rate is much lower then computer parts, and the price difference is huge. Worth the risk IMO
Thanks for tht...the price difference is huge indeed and too tempting to resist...but the thing I am wondering if I should opt for a DSLR or a new laptop...have a Canon S3IS right now...what do u say?
^^ Lol, cant help you there... If you are satisfied with the S3, then be it. I had similar options wanted a i5 750 or a DSLR, chose the latter.
Get a laptop. Upgrade from a good PS like the S3IS only when you're beginning to feel constrained by the system, bound by it..
My concern would be the warranty mentioned by Aces earlier, camera failure rate is lower than that of a laptop and also the picture quality of DSLR are amazing...but then on the other hand I use my laptop more often than not when compared to a camera...
Re: need dslr within 30k

Yes, consumer DSLRs dont have video capability... yet. Also the best DSLRs have only manual focus rather than AF so the usefulness is limited.

Also Shaunak is right. Nikon DSLRs are among the most user friendly to use. Sony and Canon are ok but nothing great. (In user friendliness).

That said its user friendly only from a point of view of a new user. I did not like the interface on the Nikon D40 DSLR and found it too slow for my liking. My old Sony A200 DSLR had a faster interface (for me).
Re: need dslr within 30k

The Nikon D5000 between 31.7k-34.7k on eBay is by far the best buy right now.

Video, the 12MP sensor of the D90, liveview, decent viewfinder, great body feel (in that price range) and articulating screen.
Recently I have been reading quite alot about cameras and their features and articles about photography n etc...I have gained good knowledge but also some doubts...heres one of them:
I have a Canon S3IS which is said to have a focal length of 6mm-72mm and same is shown as 36mm & 432mm equivalent 6mm, 72mm is multiplied by 6 to get 36mm & 432mm...what does it actually mean?What is it equivalent to? nd what does the no 6 represent?
Like with DSLR lenses the focal lenght of the lens is multiplied with the FLM of the camera to get their "equivalent" values, but what does it really mean?
Hope I put the question me clear this confusion..
Re: need dslr within 30k

-D.Payne- said:
The Nikon D5000 between 31.7k-34.7k on eBay is by far the best buy right now.

Video, the 12MP sensor of the D90, liveview, decent viewfinder, great body feel (in that price range) and articulating screen.

Would this be a better deal than the 450d? How important is auto focus really?
Anybody have clue to my following query?

medpal said:
@aces170 : jjmehta is known to quote a little higher on website and also on phone.

just when you get your 1000D also ask for the rates of Nikon D3000. and update here.

@d payne yes i am also tempting towards D5000, btw how are those mega bundle kits available on Ebay usa? are they VFM?

here is one sample link Nikon D5000 12MP Digital SLR 4 Lens 32GB Super Kit NEW - eBay (item 230444175887 end time Mar-08-10 20:56:39 PST)

@Aces170 and @zhopudey before you finalise the purchase of your cams do PM / SMS me if we can manage to agree to a one model and decide to purchase from same place bargain power will increase.

I will manage to send the money beforehand and collect the camera later on. :D
Can someone help me with this:
harish_21_10 said:
I have a Canon S3IS which is said to have a focal length of 6mm-72mm and same is shown as 36mm & 432mm equivalent 6mm, 72mm is multiplied by 6 to get 36mm & 432mm...what does it actually mean?What is it equivalent to? nd what does the no 6 represent?
Like with DSLR lenses the focal lenght of the lens is multiplied with the FLM of the camera to get their "equivalent" values, but what does it really mean?
harish_21_10 said:
Recently I have been reading quite alot about cameras and their features and articles about photography n etc...I have gained good knowledge but also some doubts...heres one of them:
I have a Canon S3IS which is said to have a focal length of 6mm-72mm and same is shown as 36mm & 432mm equivalent 6mm, 72mm is multiplied by 6 to get 36mm & 432mm...what does it actually mean?What is it equivalent to? nd what does the no 6 represent?
Like with DSLR lenses the focal lenght of the lens is multiplied with the FLM of the camera to get their "equivalent" values, but what does it really mean?
Hope I put the question me clear this confusion..

well, in the same way, for most entry level dslr's, you multiply the lens (say 18mm-55mm) with 1.6x, to get the effective range... it has all to do with sensor size, and compares the size to the size of a film camera.
@Aces170 and @zhopudey before you finalise the purchase of your cams do PM / SMS me if we can manage to agree to a one model and decide to purchase from same place bargain power will increase.

I will manage to send the money beforehand and collect the camera later on

Doc PM me, I will contact you before going, it will be in the next 5-6 days. Yesterday the Fort guy did not accept CC, will need to goto the Dadar branch. Zhops when are you buying?
Aces170 said:
Doc PM me, I will contact you before going, it will be in the next 5-6 days. Yesterday the Fort guy did not accept CC, will need to goto the Dadar branch. Zhops when are you buying?

I can't really say for sure. But not this month for sure. If you two finalise, then better not wait for me.

Any idea about 450d vs d5000?
_pappu_ said:
well, in the same way, for most entry level dslr's, you multiply the lens (say 18mm-55mm) with 1.6x, to get the effective range... it has all to do with sensor size, and compares the size to the size of a film camera.
I know that already...what I wanted to know is why the focal length of S3IS is multiplied by 6? As for the lens, its 1.6 FLM due the sensor size but could u explain the same for S3IS's sensor?
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