All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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Re: need dslr within 30k

How about the canon 1000D? Its nearly perfect for under 30K.

Why do you say that the d3000 is not VFM? It feels great in the hand and produces perfectly amazing pictures.

Also remember its not the camera but the system you are buying into. If you buy a canon now and say upgrade the camera a few years from now, you still will be able to use all the lenses and flashes you buy for it. In fact you will be able to use *any* canon lens manufactured since the 1980. [Even older with Nikon!]

In a few years, the cost of the camera will dwindle to a fraction compared to the equipment in the rest of the system.

Read up a little on camera systems:
Canon EOS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Re: need dslr within 30k

according to "The D3000 Nikon's newest inexpensive DSLR. It's a good camera all by itself, but it's the worst DSLR Nikon has ever made. What makes it worse by comparison is significantly slower and balkier operation when compared to other Nikon DSLRs."

wat more options do i hav besides 1000d

arnt sony products good?
Re: need dslr within 30k

Dont trust ken rockwell blindly.

He compares 30K cameras with 300K camera. I suggest you go to your nearest store and actually handle the camera.

The Canon 1000D is good to.

I do suggest you avoid other manufacturers.
Lets say you wish to rent an expensive lens for a shoot. All shops will have only Canon and Nikon out for rent because pros use them. Also, canon and Nikon has a huge used lens market.

If you still want to consider Sony try DSLR-A230.

But the best thing it so physically hold it and try. Because I may like Canon, and the next guy might like Nikon and so forth. Its really a personal choice.
Re: need dslr within 30k

leviathan16 said:
budget 30k
i did some diggin over net and got the followin info..
best buy d40 which is now unavailable..
d5000 and d3000 arnt value for money
best buy 350d [considering budget],again unavailable..
450 is way too costly..
dont kno a lot abt it.. but ppl suggested a200 over a230
dont kno abt other models..

can sombody suggest me a good dslr.. brand not imp.. as long as it is good..
not considering the "long run" factor.. after few yrs ill buy a whole new camera..

but rright now i am thinkin of buyin a200.. which is again unavailable.. buy few sites r providing it..
plz suggest....

Could you enlighten us, from where did you drive these conclusions...

your are not much wrong, but not very correct too...:tongue:

leviathan16 said:
according to "The D3000 Nikon's newest inexpensive DSLR. It's a good camera all by itself, but it's the worst DSLR Nikon has ever made. What makes it worse by comparison is significantly slower and balkier operation when compared to other Nikon DSLRs."
wat more options do i hav besides 1000d
arnt sony products good?

So you are following Ken(dont)Rock Well..

well, ken's words make very much sense, but only when he talks about the photos....
While talking about cameras, he is too Nikonish and toooo D40ish...
As he says, that his website is for Amateurs, and not for pro...I wish to add a word, that it is also not for Indians...
{Will explain it if someone wish for it..}

BTW, If you have eradicated the Nikon D3000 completely from your list...
Then go for Canon 450D... It will be the best buy...
just few thousand expensive than your budget...

Also, although you will be getting a completely new cam after some you, what about the lenses.???
Would u be replacing all of them..
So smartly pick the brand...
Re: need dslr within 30k

ashvarybabul said:
Could you enlighten us, from where did you drive these conclusions...

your are not much wrong, but not very correct too...:tongue:

I did not want to mention it, because I was tying to be nice. :P
Buy yeah, I actually checked the post date before replying.
Re: need dslr within 30k

look, at the end of the day your budget is 30k. the d3000 and 1000d are both good options. go to a shop and try them both. i personally prefer the d3000.
vb86 said:
so, i might be planning a trip to ladhak in the near future. my current kit includes a d90 body with a 18-105mm lens. i really want to get an ultrawide before i go and the 2 lenses that i have shortlisted are:

tokina 11-16 f2.8 constant for dx formats
nikon 10-24 f3.5-4.5 for dx formats

any suggestions? the tokina is faster and sharper from what i have read online.

Get tokina eyes closed.
Faster lens, super build quality, sharp pics what more do you want?

Oh and do PM me the price, I am on hunt for a UWA for my canon.

Re: need dslr within 30k

vb86 said:
look, at the end of the day your budget is 30k. the d3000 and 1000d are both good options. go to a shop and try them both. i personally prefer the d3000.

Me too.

The camera feels confidant in your hands and the buttons are placed exactly where you would want them. It just feels better to hold.
Re: need dslr within 30k

If you raise your budget by 3k, you can pick up the 450D easily from Grey market....

Otherwise.. go for the D5000... its much better feature wise...
Re: need dslr within 30k

ashvarybabul said:
So you are following Ken(dont)Rock Well..

well, ken's words make very much sense, but only when he talks about the photos....
While talking about cameras, he is too Nikonish and toooo D40ish...
As he says, that his website is for Amateurs, and not for pro...I wish to add a word, that it is also not for Indians...
{Will explain it if someone wish for it..}

I thought that guy gave really good explanations. Can you explain in detail why that site is not for Indians? and why you think his opinions are not good enough?
Note: I am not taking his side since I hardly know that guy, just like to know why you're so opinionated against him. :)
Re: need dslr within 30k

AFAIK, the major shortcomings of a DSLR are live view and image stabilization. Most entry level DSLRs don't support Live View and hence cannot shoot video and also, they do not come with image stabilized kit lenses.
I remember some earlier posts on this forum also where a user cited a no.of woes in using a DSLR i.e. most DSLRs (except for Sony) do not come preconfigured out of the box for usage but need to be tweaked a lot to get good photos.
Sony's DSLRs with these useful features (I think live view and IS come with the alpha 350 onwards) are prohibitively expensive so I really don't understand what is a good choice in DSLRs.
Re: need dslr within 30k

^^ Live view is one of the least important thing in a DSLR. Video is OK and its sometimes useful but Live view is rarely useful except when using a tripod to check for manual focus.

When getting a DSLR check for the mount - Nikon, Canon, Sony etc and check out the viewfinder. The 1000D has the smallest viewfinder of the bunch as well as the worst grip (IMO) but it also has the best image quality as well as the best high ISO performance. So all the budget cameras have some compromise or the other. Its up to you to decide which compromise you are willing to live with.

I couldn't stand the small viewfinder on the 1000D nor did I like the fact that a simple Nikon 50mm f1.8 lens would not fit the D60 so I went with Sony.
Re: need dslr within 30k

sydras said:
I really don't understand what is a good choice in DSLRs.

Harley Davidson are just like other good bikes...
Still people are more crazy about it...

Same is with DSLR...

6pack said:
I thought that guy gave really good explanations. Can you explain in detail why that site is not for Indians? and why you think his opinions are not good enough?
Note: I am not taking his side since I hardly know that guy, just like to know why you're so opinionated against him. :)
I am not at all against Ken Rock Well...

I really respect and follow his views about photography..
I already said that his words makes too sense...

But I am against his words, where he sounds too Nikonish and tooooo D40 ish... and condemning the other Manufacturers [specially canon]

Well according too my small understanding, his Entry level camera suggestions are not much healthy for Indians...[m talking about camera suggestions only..]
And the reason is..

As I had noted, heard and observed, people in foreign [USA] buy the entry level DSLR if they are bit interested in photography...
Just like we buy Pana FZ35 etc...
These people are interested in casual photography, and could be compared to people in india using FZ35 type cameras..
But they do not much ponder about lenses... for them getting a 18-55mm is decent for most things... and if needed higher focal length they get something like 18-200mm VR etc...
So for these kind of people suggesting D40 is very good thing.
there is no sense of getting a D60 over D40 for these kind of people...
They wont be buying a newer body for things they dont have in their Entry level DSLRs.. they are just happy with it...
Just like in india, a boy is happy with FZ35, which fulfil his all needs to keep pace with his small interest in photography///
Same is what kenrockwell suggest...
He also keep on saying that better to get D40 over D60 or D3k...
Thats why people like ken views.. coz it make sense there...
Coming to India...

A guy buys a DSLR, only when he is damn serious and passionate about photography.... If not he keeps himself happy with FZ35...
So when he is getting a DSLR, he deserve to get the best for his price..
Also, one needs to keep balance with price of cam and lens, and also VFM...
in this case, how smart is it to suggest a person to get a D40 which got discontinued one year ago...
Also, since the person is damn serious about the photography, it is sure he will get a new higher body after 2-3 year..
so for which cam will he getting a high resale value.-- D40 or D3000
also should one skip D5000 just because it is not good a D90 [as ken says, though he forget that D5k is cheaper than D90] and should go for D40 instead because D40 is better for what price it is offered [ken here forgets that D5k has more features..]
So an indian buyer who is getting DSLR for serious work should get D40 just because price/feature ratio is better than D5k or should he try to get more features for the cam he is about to use for next few years for his serious work...

Also he rate Canon as if Canon exist nowhere in front of Nikon...
Then, can Mr ken explain how is Canon able to get biggest part of market for its DSLRs..
and why I find people selling their D80 to get 7D in JJmehta Buy and Sell forum...

This is why I believe, Ken's views on getting a DSLR entry level donot suits for indian buyers...
however it is perfect for the foreigners..

Well, these views of mine are completely personal...
No offense to those who follow ken are his big fan..:tongue:
You will miss HD Video, long zoom is possible with a lens upgrade, buy any decent quality telezoom lenses, they will run around circles of the FZ 35 zoom quality...
Re: need dslr within 30k

1st of all... thankyou guys.. this was really helpfull

i chalked out sony..

wat shd i go for... nikon or canon..

now i am back to square one..

can somebody tell me the prices in indian market..

wat to buy.. wat to buy...


m goin crazy!!

shaunak and ashvarybabul..
which cameras do u guys use..
Re: need dslr within 30k

leviathan16 said:
can somebody tell me the prices in indian market..
wat to buy.. wat to buy...
m goin crazy!!

Well, you can start by reading through this thread.

You also need to figure out if you want to shoot video or not. With your budget, if you do want to shoot video aswell, the FZ35 would be a good choice IMHO.

If you're buying something purely for stills, as vb86 mentioned, you can choose between the 1000D and the D3000. I've used the 1000D and i must say, its a damn good piece of kit.

Also, if what IceFusion says holds true, you should take a good long look at a 450D for 33k in the Grey Market.

Ofcourse, whatever anyone suggests, it finally depends on your needs and choices, video or no video, and how serious you are about taking this up.
Re: need dslr within 30k

i dont want to shoot video.. i so want 450 but.. i cant buy from gray.. dont kno how reliable those product will be..

ppl wo hav 1000d say tat is good, those that hav d3000 say its good..

is ther any one who owns both..
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