All newbie/starter entry level DSLR information

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Re: D80 or a newer dSLR?

Doc Holliday said:
Hi guys,

I am an FZ35 user, looking at the possibility of getting my first dSLR. Have been looking at the 500D/550D and the D3100 so far. Now a friend of mine has a the Nikon D80 in very good condition with Tokina ATX Pro 12-24 F4, but I must offer him a price. How much and which option should I go for. General photography for me, landscape mostly, some portraits.

Confused. Please help.
To me, 20-23k seems ok price for D80 (coz, a year ago many D80 offers were b/w 28-30k)

No idea about lens
Re: D80 or a newer dSLR?

ashvarybabul said:
To me, 20-23k seems ok price for D80 (coz, a year ago many D80 offers were b/w 28-30k)

No idea about lens
Thanks, what about camera vs. Camera? D80 vs. 500D/550D or D3100?

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But which camera should I go for?
TheBellJar said:
Tamron/Sigma etc don't make Pentax mount lenses then? If they do, are these inferior in IQ than the ones made by Pentax? Will all old Pentax mount fit on the K-r?

There is a service centre in Delhi as well. Looked it up. Secondly, about $750ish I can get Body+18-55+55-300. Good deal or can I find it cheaper, maybe some promotional discount or something?
That's a damn good deal.
The thing is, all Pentax AF lenses ever made, i.e. the F, FA, DA, DA-L and FA-J lenses will meter and AF on the K-r just fine.
The A-series lenses will meter fine, but are MF only.
The M and K series lenses need stop-down metering.
The older M42 (screwmount) lenses will also need stop-down metering + adapter to work on the K-x/K-r.

As apo said, they only service PNS cameras. NO DSLR servicing in India.

I'd recommend the 18-55 and 55-300 as a starter kit. They are both surprisingly good lenses, better than the equivalents from Canikon. And on=body IS in Pentax is a boon at all focal lengths.
Look D80 is an old camera and lacks a lot of bells and whistles that newer cameras like the D3100 come with - e.g. big screen, excellent high ISO performance, light body, high megapixels etc.

That said the D80 has a better constructed body, a proper glass pentaprism viewfinder, twin control dials for quick setting changes and a lot more buttons for on the fly changes.

The Tokina 12-24mm lens is being sold for a very good price and I suggest you pick it up quickly. A used Tokina sells for 22k or so and if you are getting both for 32k then its a steal deal.

The Tokina is a specialized lens and you can easily sell it if you don't like it for a decent profit.
BF1983 said:
Look D80 is an old camera and lacks a lot of bells and whistles that newer cameras like the D3100 come with - e.g. big screen, excellent high ISO performance, light body, high megapixels etc.

That said the D80 has a better constructed body, a proper glass pentaprism viewfinder, twin control dials for quick setting changes and a lot more buttons for on the fly changes.

The Tokina 12-24mm lens is being sold for a very good price and I suggest you pick it up quickly. A used Tokina sells for 22k or so and if you are getting both for 32k then its a steal deal.

The Tokina is a specialized lens and you can easily sell it if you don't like it for a decent profit.
Thanks mate, yes, price is quite low, I know, but it is a bundle that I must buy D80 + the Tokina lens - the offer is bundled. I too am tempted to go for a new D3100 instead, but here I find an old (but very good ) camera + a very good lens. So camera versus camera, you say the D3100 is better?
^^ +1 I agree the deal is pretty good... But do check the equipment before buying... The D80 condition and shutter count and the lens condition
TechHead said:
As apo said, they only service PNS cameras. NO DSLR servicing in India.
Can I atleast find a non-official service place? I mean can I find people who will be able to fix it at places like Chandni Chowk or Palika?

Thanks everyone for all the help.

Just one more thing, might sound a bit daft but a friend of mine came across a Telescope with 170X zoom that can be mounted on a DSLR. He uses a 450D. Any idea if that thing will actually work?
Doc: Its purely upto your needs, if you think you want one purpose lens then 18-200 is fine, but if you think you wont be using the long focal length much a 16-85 would be ideal. I would suggest you to stick with Nikon VR lens, I am not too sure of the Tamron/Sigma lens in this category.
So I too want to plunge in the world of photography. Currently I have a LZ10 and know basics of composition etc, though have not tried my hand much on Manual settings etc. Which camera should I upgrade to a Super Zoom or an entry level DSLR?
DSLR, if you have the patience. I would suggest get a second hand 1000D, they are going dirt cheap in JJM forums, learn the basics, get a cheap prime lens etc. And maybe after a year or two when you feel handicapped by the body, you can upgrade to something more expensive..
Hey people, some really good info on this thread.(I haven't finished reading all of it)

I just picked up a canon 550d, now I need go get me some lenses, I havent done enough research, the primary use of the camera is going to be for video rather and photos at least for right now,we have been working with handycams and they just don't it, focus is a big pain, couldn't afford a pro video camera so the rebel T2i was vimeo's preferred choice so thats what I got.
I live in bangalore and am thinking of heading to photocircle tomorrow. Anyone know who should I go to there, on the 1st page of this thread a certain Jayesh Mehta is mentioned, should I look for him.
And any information to what lenses I should be looking at is appreciated, my budget is 20k, help me with third party lenses as the canon ones are just too expensive, a 50-250mm and 50mm prime would finish my budget!

Also I read abt the 50mm f/ 1.8 prime on this forum itself, some people say its good some say its not, it gives a shallow depth of field yes but I can use that, infact need that so any reasons why I shouldnt get it.(Its dirt cheap for one)
There isn't any reason for not getting Canon 50mm f/1.8. It's a gem among low budget lenses. Very sharp and color reproduction is quite good. Infact 90% of time I use this lens for clicking. Just get won't regret :)
Powersurge said:
You should read through this.
And get a Nifty Fifty, you won't regret it.
Thanks for the link but that stuff really too expensive for me man, I said my budget is just 20k and to be clear I am a starter.
Though this link did remind me that I need to buy a mike as well as the one on 550d is mono.
I have not used the video capability on 550D, but how does it AF on video. If video was the main reason, you should have bought a Sony SLT camera, those AF brilliantly on video..
Exactly if video was indeed your priority i would have looked at the SLT and mirrorless ones like NEX / panasonic GH series .

About handycams what do you mean focus is a big pain they focus better then other contrast detect based DSLR.
If you wanted to have a manual focus ring ,you could have also considered the NEX-VG10 prosumer handycam that gives the same shallow depth of field,takes DSLR quality stills and has far more video controls,it gives you a EVF and has the least amount of jello effect.
It also shoots for hrs,no video limit or sensor heating up.
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