For Sale - One of the best BT speaker ever created. Great, tight bass and clarity and a very reputed brand !
- Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL: Altec Lansing Bluetooth Speaker, Model: Jacket (Sounds Great, Dual Speakers, Great Bass and clarity). Don't have its original charger. Compatible one will be included, works perfect (
- Expected Price: Sold to @ajish65
- Source and Time of Purchase: Bought from USA Jan 2016
- Reason for Sale: Sitting idle, no use
- RMA/Servicing history: Never serviced/RMA
- Product Condition: Great
- Purchase Invoice Available: No
- Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: Yes/No | 0 MonthsNo
- Accessories Included: Speaker + Compatible charger
- Product Location: New Delhi, Delhi
- Preferred Courier: DTDC or similar
- Shipping Charges: Extra at actials
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer, PayTM, cheque
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