Amazing HD wallpapers!

^^Guess its something to do with beta version, im running Firefox v2.0.0.14 without any issues at all!

Was blown away by the wallies, then saw the res Too low, man. Would love them in higher res...

The res is not same for every wallpaper man...some of them are even in 2560 x1600;)

Btw.. Thanx Dark Star!


  • attack.JPG
    29.4 KB · Views: 140
The Alchemist said:
The res is not same for every wallpaper man...some of them are even in 2560 x1600;)

yea, and there's no option for searching with res parameters. Res is shown only on clicking on a individual file. So how hard does it become to find a wall u like, click on it and then find out that the res is too low?

Good find though too troublesome for me :)
possible, but old news (beta3) and that too for a couple of sites. maybe the site itself it not malicious, somebody might have uploaded malware which is getting served in one of the pages...
naah its not just firefox ...even my avast antivirus is asking me to abort connection...check this out !

but the way da wallpapers are so so beautiful that i am finding it irresistible to close the window..but every time i open a new wallpaper even before the image is loaded..avast alert pops up !!

PS:if any one has already downloaded few/all the wallpapers on the site please upload it on some other image/site or a a rar file in rapidshare.
Ok, I'm not into wallpaper terminology, so what's up with the "HD" wallpapers here? What's "HD' about these compared to other higher res wallies?
i think HD here just means resolutions of 1920x1200 and above... just applying a buzzword to the high-res wallpapers :)