Amazon Fire TV Stick (3rd Gen) - Stopped working all of sudden.

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Ramadhir Singh

I was watching some movies a few days ago when an error related to video playback occurred.
When I clicked 'OK,' it took me back to the home screen, where it displayed the message 'Home is Currently Unavailable' and instructed me to restart the Firestick to resolve the error.

After the restarted, I noticed that I was no longer logged into my account and had to log in again, essentially re-registering the device.
However, the problem persisted, with the 'Home is Currently Unavailable' error and no playback of any Prime Video content.

I checked for updates and found that there was an ongoing update , so I turned off the TV and allowed update to continue overnight.
The next morning, socked to see the updates were still in progress, hence reached out to Amazon support
They took me through troubleshooting steps all day until the update was finally completed late at night.
The home screen was restored for a brief amount of time, but video playback remained intermittent, playing for 2-3 minutes and then refusing to continue.

Today, I contacted support again, and with each piece of advice, the situation worsened. every restart of the fire tv is making it more sluggish.
Amazon Support be like - disconnect power cable, disconnect HDMI wait for 5 minute re connect. they made me do this entire day yesterday and today.

Looks like amazon remotely killed my device and are now forcing me to buy a new Firestick, and offering "buy back" the device and provide a 15% discount on the new one.

The current status is as follows:
1. After every restart it no longer rember my acount. I have to re-register and log in every time, repeatedly.
2. I can't perform a speed test in the network section; it says 'unable to test speed' despite being connected via both wired and wireless connections.
3. The top row listing my installed apps is missing. Only the 'my app' and settings buttons are visible, but clicking on 'my app' doesn't do anything - result of support asked me to delete data+cache of apps.
4. Using the hardware button to access the Prime Video app takes 2-3 minutes to load, often displaying an 'not authorized' error.
5. Videos take a long time to load and play for only 30 seconds to a maximum of 5 minutes before stopping with a 4-digit error code.
6. The same issues occur with any other streaming apps, including YouTube (SmartyYouTubeTV app). Profiles, accounts, and subscriptions load, but there are playback issues, including 'NULL' errors or 'protocol' errors.
7. My dlna app/ emby works fine.

I am suspecting this is only result of they software update, which corrupted something.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this and make the device work again?
of course if the system is basically resetting itself and losing data for installed applications and new applications too then highly likely the EMMC is dying.
i mean there is no data loos,, but its the entire Amazon system which is not available anymore.. or something is stopping the device to connect to amazon services. Or may be something in line of corrupt OS? the app shortcuts (like start menu) are becoming invisible.
other OTT apps credentials, like netflix, SmartyYouTubeTV app - all data/login and everythign is intact after every restart.

do we have any tools for check EMMC.. before reaching a conclusion ?
This doesn't sound like EMMC failure if apps/data is still there.
Do you have a custom DNS server set? If using some DNS level ad blocker then check that else use a public DNS such as Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS.

Note: After changing DNS in your router you need to reconnect all devices again so that the new DNS is recognized.
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This doesn't sound like EMMC failure if apps/data is still there.
Do you have a custom DNS server set? If using some DNS level ad blocker then check that else use a public DNS such as Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS.

Note: After changing DNS in your router you need to reconnect all devices again so that the new DNS is recognized.
yes, i have pihole in the network.
But also tried connecting it directly to ISP router - in wired mode disabling WIfi, which is raw internet, with / dNS.

im also suspecting, something is causing some network issues :| but im out of ideas in troubleshooting.

Just like we use to flash stock ROM in android mobile,, can we do something similar with this device?
Are you sure the Firestick is actually using the public DNS and not the pihole? Also how are you using wired mode on the stick? Some micro-usb to ethernet combo cable?
If in doubt perhaps you can disable pihole entirely from the dashboard for some time and then check.

As for flashing the stick, of course this won't be easy at all and unfortunately I don't have any idea for flashing these media sticks.
yes, i have pihole in the network.
But also tried connecting it directly to ISP router - in wired mode disabling WIfi, which is raw internet, with / dNS.

im also suspecting, something is causing some network issues :| but im out of ideas in troubleshooting.

Just like we use to flash stock ROM in android mobile,, can we do something similar with this device?
Try using your mobile data over wifi tethering.
Just disable pi-hole for 10 minutes from its front-end and check.

I recently got a new Fire stick and the initial setup wouldn't work with Pi-hole enabled. Kept giving issues. I disabled blocking for 10 minutes and completed the setup. No issues since then.

Though, Pi-hole doesn't seem to block anything on Fire stick these days, even though I added a separate dedicated Fire stick list.
I just use the big list and other lists are only dedicated to malware/phishing. Don't want to get involved and troubled everyday with some service not working due to blacklisting some random domain.
Just disable pi-hole for 10 minutes from its front-end and check.
as i said earlier, i completely bypassed it as well. and connected directly to raw internet. same issue :(
Try using your mobile data over wifi tethering.
tried that as well .. seems something in the firestick is stopping it..
yesertday i installed blokdda in the stick. and used a virtual network/ with dns .. same issue :(
I just use the big list
OISD is a very controversial list - it just gives an illusion of adblock, see the whitelist . and the BIG list is 18mb which basically doesn't do much.
Also now OISD is funded by Adblock, making it even sketchy.
If one is using this, must use something along with it, something like StevenBlack's hosts to fix its whitelisted craps.
or just StevenBlack's unified + your malware, etc list is good enough. bigger/more is not better in this case . Easylist+Easy privacy alone will filter 99% ads.
(some good lists and info here -

Energized listes were amazing, but unfortunately the project is abandoned now.

I have seen that happen once or twice at my parents, but it got resolved automatically after a day or two.
its been 4 days at my end. i ran out of all possible ways. Hope what you said becomes true for me as well.
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OISD is a very controversial list - it just gives an illusion of adblock, see the whitelist . and the BIG list is 18mb which basically doesn't do much.
Also now OISD is funded by Adblock, making it even sketchy.

Energized listes were amazing, but unfortunately the project is abandoned now.
I really don't want to start a controversy here about which list is better or best.
OISD has a clear motive, remove as much ads as possible without breaking any apps/websites, no fuss to keep checking what's breaking some app or website.

It's not that I haven't tried other lists. I have tried them all, well, most of them. Been using the DNS adblockers since 2 years now, believe me when I say this, I've seen my share of issues.
I have no problems in blocking 90+% of Ads anywhere. I just can't be bothered by my family saying this or that isn't working for them anymore.

Energized caused issues with OTT apps and some banking apps as well that's when I ditched it.
yes, i have pihole in the network.
But also tried connecting it directly to ISP router - in wired mode disabling WIfi, which is raw internet, with / dNS.

im also suspecting, something is causing some network issues :| but im out of ideas in troubleshooting.

Just like we use to flash stock ROM in android mobile,, can we do something similar with this device?
did you try connecting on mobile network based wifi
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I had the exact issue a month back. Only a factory reset fixed it.
I ran out of ideas troubleshooting, plus I plugged in another working firestick and it did not have any network issues.

I suspect my eMMC is going bad too. However after the reset, there was a software update available, so it is possible that the update broke it.
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I had the exact issue a month back. Only a factory reset fixed it.
I ran out of ideas troubleshooting, plus I plugged in another working firestick and it did not have any network issues.

I suspect my eMMC is going bad too. However after the reset, there was a software update available, so it is possible that the update broke it.
Exactly... the software update broken my decice. i got this news as well -

I did a factory reset earlier today, and now it saying "app not available" for any app i click, eg prime app.
after reset it had trouble updating.. now i can access the stick but its asking me to update - and its not updating.. saying not network found :(
Where as i am partially able to stream a movie , like the jailer which is showin in the home screen advertisement. . but i cant start prime app. in that case it says app not found.
It 100% sign of corrupt OS , to me.

Spoken with a amazon customer executive, they asking to get new device instead.

im trying to figure out if i can flash the OS offline somehow...
did you try connecting on mobile network based wifi
yup. tried mobile hotspot. exact same issue.
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