I started removing parts of the url until I had the shortest url with the products that I wanted to see. Here's the basic url for all products sold by Appario:
I'm assuming 'me' is merchant.
Same products, sorted by price:
Now add price filters, here it's 4k to 5k (across all categories):
You can remove one of the numbers if you want only say 4k and up, but leave the hyphen in:
Or 5k and down:
The price in the url includes paisa.
For category, here's the cleaned up web url for Tablets:
I'm assuming 'n' is node, so the first node is Electronics, and the second is Tablets. We can insert the more specific one we need after the price (separated by a comma):
That's for tablets under 9k, sorted high to low.
Or, instead of category, you could use a search term by adding '&k=search+term' at the end of the url:
Similarly, here are air fryers sold by RetailEZ under 5k:
If you're a normal person then html entities are difficult to read, so something like
https://www.urldecoder.org/ can help make urls easier to parse and read.
Once you have your url, you can use scripting to automate coupon hunting. For example, there are extensions that run javascript on page load, use that to hide all search results that don't have coupons. You could even use system-wide scripting to go through page by page and send you screenshots over telegram of any new coupons that show up in the search results (one of the reasons why I still use a 2012 macbook).
I blame my slickdeals years for this obsession.