While I agree that AMD is not very fussy about bills & provide warranty based upon serial number as per my experience as well, they do state that they require a proof of purchase in that same article as can be seen below. Anyways, I am not gonna debate around this as you have clearly mentioned YMMV.Next, bills are NOT required for warranty - only accompanying HSF if the service center people make a fuss. AMD provides global warranty. Based on serial number, you should get 2.5+ years on the CPUs. If anyone wants the boxes as well, I can procure them but they cost extra (I don't know why and I cannot answer any questions - all I have stated is fact). In fact, I think he had 5 boxed 5950X available.
I have added a link in the description of the original post under the 5800X showing very clearly AMD's position on RMA is that even HSF is not required, let alone the box.
I wanted the bill just to confirm the warranty period.