AMD ASUS Call of Duty 4 April Combat (Prize worth Rs.400,000)

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The screenshots of all the matches will be put up on the website.

The score will be decided as follows...

NSKills+SKills-SDeaths = Final Score


NS = Non-sniper

S= Sniper

The overall score will be the deciding factor.... the more tournaments you attend, the better chance you have to top the rankings. We will display the number of matches played though the final score will be based on all the events in Mumbai.

The P90 has been banned by taking players' opinion into account. We found it to be somewhat imbalanced as it has good fire rate combined with decent range. Yes, the imbalance is more evident in hardcore mode, but at the moment, we feel that the ban is justified. However, we will definitely consider your opinion and may allow P90 in the future if we feel that it won't be imba.

Hope this answers all your questions. I apologize for not replying earlier as I was tied up with personal commitments.

PS: Do try to come before the 15th. The players could use a good competitor like you.
P90 is a nUb weapon .. lol .. any decent CoD4 player can go on a rampage with a P90 .. its god high rof, decent range, but most importantly, high mag. capacity :P .. u can probably take on 3 pple at the same time with a p90 is u train properly :P ..

Anyway .. My team is interested on the 25th tourney, the team one.. If the date is confirmed we will take the necessary steps to be there on time :) .. Plz. reply soon :) ..

Also, it'd be nice if we could know the format of the game to be played on 25th (though its not of major concern) ...
sry but no PROMOD

tourney made for noobs, aka HARDCORE :(

HARDCORE sabotage, domination or tdm will be ther on 25th April 09. 5on5 event.

i hope to see SnD promod live, but the AMD organizers r more interested in hardcore. :no:

//hhahaha its now PROMOD live, see my 2nd topic for new details
how do i register? I'm just 15 it that OK??
where in Bangalore does this take place?:S
Do I need a team?If yes, how many?

thnx 4 the info mate!!... :)
and I would have surely liked to come for all the tourneys!!.. but my graduation exams are goin on!!:( :(...but i'll b der on the 15th 4 sure!!:ohyeah: :ohyeah:
i knw p90 is imba!!... but wen u say dat any decent player can own wid it... then y dont allow evry1 to use it??!.... dat would be fair enuf!!(atleast in normal mode.... cz as far as i hav seen it is quite a crappy gun to spam!!).....
nd just becoz u got owned smtym wid the p90 doesnt make it a noob gun!!....:ohyeah:

P.S. This p90 discussion is in no reference wid the upcoming competition... or for that matter any other competition!!... so please dont bug me sayin that the p90 is banned!!.... just tryin 2 hav a general discussion!!....
!n54n3 said:


i knw p90 is imba!!... but wen u say dat any decent player can own wid it... then y dont allow evry1 to use it??!.... dat would be fair enuf!!(atleast in normal mode.... cz as far as i hav seen it is quite a crappy gun to spam!!).....

nd just becoz u got owned smtym wid the p90 doesnt make it a noob gun!!....:ohyeah:

P.S. This p90 discussion is in no reference wid the upcoming competition... or for that matter any other competition!!... so please dont bug me sayin that the p90 is banned!!.... just tryin 2 hav a general discussion!!....

Haha not really u have no idea ... u can make a "nub" "spray" a win over "pro" opps. under "random" circumstances ... and in hardcore mode, its hell of a weapon .. hell its so bad that u can take out a sniper with it .. lol ...

How do i put it .. its a fair enuf gun to play with. But when u see nub spammers get their way with such a gun, u obviously get pissed on in game .. even one round matters a lot when u're playing .. when u play at a pro level, even one player with such random luck is enuf to piss off a whole team ... so its better to avoid such situations ... :tongue: ..

Plus have to tried playing a 5v5 SnD match with all players using a P90 ?? ... lol thats simply boring and for nubs ..
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