CPU/Mobo AMD equivalent of C2D e7500

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Hi Guys,

If I were to buy an AMD equivalent of intel c2d e7500, which processor would that be ?. I am planning to go AMD for my office processors and hence this request. Kindly let me know.
Phenom II X2 550 which has been discontinued now. But still its a great processor for price, else you can go for Athlon II X4 620 or X3 :)
deepakev said:
Hi Guys,

If I were to buy an AMD equivalent of intel c2d e7500, which processor would that be ?. I am planning to go AMD for my office processors and hence this request. Kindly let me know.

For low power and office, I suggest getting Athlon II X2 240...unbeatable price/performance..


THe lowest this processor can do is actually 1V at 2.8GHz....so there's room for another 5-10W shave..
Dark Star said:
Phenom II X2 550 which has been discontinued now. But still its a great processor for price, else you can go for Athlon II X4 620 or X3 :)

Discontinued???:huh: I was just about to buy one for my new config...

It has been replaced by what and can i buy one or no?
^^Its just that company has stopped the manufacturing of the processor. If you buy a new one you will be offered the same warranty and other requisites. AMD is now focusing on new C3 stepping which will lower the TDP substantially. So hope for Phenom II X2 555, X3 740 and X4 955 (C3) soon :)
Either get the AII 240, or wait a bit for the C3 ones to appear. Will surelly save on electricity and will run cooler than the already cool X2 550.

IF for home use, the c3 wud be big advantage, and can easily touch 4.3Ghz stable.
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