CPU/Mobo AMD Phenom II Processor n Mobo ?


i wanna buy phenom 2 proccy n mobo!!
proccy-> yet to decide btw x3 720be(~7.2k) n the x4 920/940(9.5k aprrox)
not able to decide btw the 2!!will use the comp only for gamin!!
i'm not plannin to upgrade for another 2 yrs so will x3 720 be enugh till then???
if u suggestin the x4 920/940 then pls be convincing enugh!!
mobo->n either ways suggest a gud mobo for any of these proccy arnd 4-5k!!will nvr sli r crossfire!! jus wanna a decent overclockable mobo!!!
lxq_ikrana said:
Biostar TA790GX. Will cost around 5k. Nice board. Supports xfire. Might be able to unlock fourth core of the 720BE.

tat unlockin the 4th core is really jus about luck!! so cant buy a x3 thinkin it will unlock the 4th core!!

DevinWolf said:
get a full quad core proc and Biostar AM3 mobo.

dude i am on a tight budget,really cant get the am3 board n the proccy!!

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790FX is a good buy @ 8k.

If you don't need overclocking then go fo rthe 790X or the 780G.

And between the options that you've given for procs, I would say - go for the the 720 because it supports both AM2+ and AM3 which means you can use DDR2 as of now and upgrade later to DDR3 when the price is not as prohibitive as today.