CPU/Mobo AMD Phenom II x4 960T

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Update : The AMD Phenom II x4 840T Zosma core ( 940Thuban) was able to use only 4 cores on MSI 890GXM g65 Board. The same proccy I could use 5 cores ( core 1,2 ,3 4 and 6) on ASUS M4A89GTD PROUSB3 , I tried to manually enable core 5 in the BIOS. It wouldnt boot, so 5 cores are usable on M4A89GTD PROUSB3 .

This is just for information purpose.
Update : II - Got a 960T proccy, which i could unlock to 6 cores in the BIOS - ASUS m4A89GDT PRO /USB3 mother board. but thats it, it will not boot into windows. Nor could I install a fresh copy of windows.

IS there anything i am missing ? CPU voltage to be hiked ? or any thing else > please let me know guys. Ty
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