AMD speaking against Intel

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yup I know this is old news but still :-

AMD's Hector Ruiz tells what it's like to compete against an "abusive monopolist"

AMD CEO Hector Ruiz took center stage at the American Antitrust Institute National Conference in Washington, D.C. to express his disdain for Intel’s business practices.

“I want to give you an idea of what it’s like to do business day in and day out when you are competing against an abusive monopolist,” Ruiz told attendees. “How it makes no difference whether you are just as efficient – or even more efficient – than they are.”

“I do not need my fortune teller hat to tell you one truth about which I am absolutely certain,” said Ruiz. “There is no proper or defensible place for illegal monopolies in the 21st century global marketplace... My purpose is not to argue for competitive advantage - we know how to compete. My purpose is to lay out the facts so that law and economics can do their job to protect consumers."

Ruiz did not immediate call out Intel, but rather stated his case first by naming several related companies made possible by the allowance of new entrants. “Google, Microsoft, and computer manufacturers like HP and Dell all owe their existence to the simple fact that competition replaced forced exclusivity and allowed a variety of players to compete and succeed,” he said.

The AMD boss then called out its arch rival, boldly stating, “Intel uses illegal tactics explicitly aimed at preventing customers from doing business with AMD.”

AMD has been battling with Intel in the U.S. courts over what it believes to be anticompetitive practices. Ruiz presented the example of his company’s efforts with HP, where the systems builder feared retribution by Intel if it chose to use AMD processors.

Dell is facing a class action lawsuit from its own investors over “secret and likely illegal” kickbacks by Intel to ensure the exclusive use of its chips inside Dell computers. “Computer manufacturers are dependent upon Intel's ‘rebates’ for a large portion of their razor-thin operating margins and must sacrifice their brand in favor of promoting Intel,” Ruiz adds.

“The IT industry is being held hostage by Intel – a fact that has detrimental effects across the board, and it has gone on for too long,” continues Ruiz. “Customers get hit by less choice and PC manufacturers depend on rebates and "must sacrifice their brand in favour of promoting Intel.”

“I think that is a vision we share, as business leaders, regulators, economists, lawyers, and others dedicated to ensuring fair and open competition in the market. And I believe it is our responsibility – not just to the global economy, but to society as a whole – to make that happen.” Ruiz later concludes, “In an IT industry without an abusive monopoly, computer manufacturers are empowered to flourish because innovation and differentiation are rewarded – rather than be obligated to a single supplier. The benefits are passed on to consumers through lower prices and greater choice in the marketplace.”

There are some interesting comments in the discussion/troll that follows but I leave it to your esteemed judgement to judge on those :P

There is nothing to feel bad about . They are doing well , just not as well they hoped .

They are still a multi billion company . so whats bad . its not like hector ruiz is being starved to death by Intel .
^ But not doing as good as they probably can right? And are nowhere close to how well Intel is doing
Sorry, something got entangled somewhere while the re-direct shows up right, dunno why the link doesn't work. Although thanx Ankit for giving the link.
AMD is simply showing its desperation by such public lashings...:lol: Feel bad for them

sharekhan said:
There is nothing to feel bad about . They are doing well , just not as well they hoped .

They are still a multi billion company . so whats bad . its not like hector ruiz is being starved to death by Intel .

Just last quarter they suffered a loss of $611 million, with a $300 million hit on their cash reserves. Tht says it all..............:bleh:
but I guess AMD processors are still selling.

Only enthu people are going for Core 2 Duo.

In my company, most of the newest PC's are Lenovo's with X2 4600+'s and 1 GB RAM and GeForce 6100 chipset mobos, and it was an Intel only domain here for a long long time. :)
ofcourse they are selling...they just lost a big chunk of market share to intel..:lol: And to regain some of the lost ground, they are coming up with price cuts every now and then...that may be good for the consumers..but definitely hurting their profits by a big big margin...;) if they do not comeup with a counter strategy soon, they'll be bankrupt in a few years time...:P Cos input costs are only going up and with lesser margins due to reduced prices of their products, they'll find it hard to stay afloat for long..;) Ruiz probably knows this very well..thts the reason for his outrage...:lol: He needs to understand tht its a dog eat dog world..the survival of the fittest...whats the point in being a whiny baby?? thts only hurting their brand image worldwide.. ppl will soon distance themselves from this sinking ship..:P
Only enthu people are going for Core 2 Duo.

Not really :) 9 out of 10 people i know who bough computers recently bought intel , and they knew nothing about computers, they bought what the dealer recommended and that was an entry level C2D .....

In my company, most of the newest PC's are Lenovo's with X2 4600+'s and 1 GB RAM and GeForce 6100 chipset mobos, and it was an Intel only domain here for a long long time.

Honestly that is good to hear ... i love amd hope they bounce back with something like Athie64....:(

I still feel AMD doesn't advertise half as much as intel and aren't marketing their product well
Shrey said:
I still feel AMD doesn't advertise half as much as intel and aren't marketing their product well

Advertising costs money..n with lower n lower returns, cost cutting and losses, its hard to promote ur product on a global scale..

Sharekhan said:
In the USA , the cheapest of the DELL systems are all AMD machines , the ones that sell more .

Tht doesnt change the fact tht they have lost a lot of market share and suffered heavy loss and continue to loose more in 2007....its been a terrible year for them...they'll remember the three letters tht'll haunt them for a long time to come..'C2D'...........:lol:
AMD is running short on cash for research, which is very bad for every last one of us, it's "AMD Vs Intel" that keeps us enthusiastic about comps, even to remember of the "Pre Athlon XP" era is chilling....

I hope the AMD gets through this trouble, no doubt Intel is trying to finish this once n for all.....
shrey said:
Not really :) 9 out of 10 people i know who bough computers recently bought intel , and they knew nothing about computers, they bought what the dealer recommended and that was an entry level C2D .....

I still feel AMD doesn't advertise half as much as intel and aren't marketing their product well

Unfortunately both the things which shrey said are true. Whenever I have wanted to buy stuff, apart from the bigger suppliers (who do stock some AMD) the smaller guys always say Intel , this was then when AMD had 939, AM2 stuff to now. The reason, they cannot block their capital & its easy to convince a person who doesn't know the difference. Also even if you have got the latest benchmarks which tell otherwise, you will rarely find the product on shelf. Also seen the big distributors & even they are not so educated on various things. So apart from Kerala (where AMD holds the sway) most people are on Intel for they don't know an alternative or they don't have the technical expertise whom to connect with . (Another small-time hobby money thing which can be done) .
^^Tht may be an old story..definitely the A64 was a superior product to the prescotts....but it doesnt hold much salt now..dealers may not be wrong if they recommend intel c2d now..cos its a much superior product to the even if they are not knowledgeable enuf in the intricacies of a processor, they are unknowingly promoting the right product now...;)
shirish said:
So apart from Kerala (where AMD holds the sway) most people are on Intel for they don't know an alternative or they don't have the technical expertise whom to connect with . (Another small-time hobby money thing which can be done) .

So you are saying if you are technical enough, then an AMD is a better buy ?

..these days ?
Ryan i have seen intel using pretty gals to advertise pentium dual core(pentium d processors) when amd was ruling.....

Just to fool the crowd...Also never in my life i have seen an intel truck in my area which was promoting would i say to them u are fooling.....people wants to buy computer and whatever they see is fast they cant 2 comps together and for review again u need comp......

but only thing that will work from amd is some stuff rather than pushing its architeture to limits......come up yaar its been damn long time they should have gone for new architeture for dual cores...i dont think everyone will run for quad cores and than 8 cores-or 16 cores when they come up
magnet said:
Ryan i have seen intel using pretty gals to advertise pentium dual core(pentium d processors) when amd was ruling.....

but tht didnt help 'em much.. did it??Same is the case with AMD now...their product is inferior to Intel's flagship at the moment...and thts the no matter how much AMD may rant about foul play, its not gonna help 'em..they'd rather spend time in coming up with a better product..tht may be a befitting answer, rather than whining about tht monopoly sh!t simply proves tht they are unable to cope up with the increased pressure form the other side and the frustration shows in ruiz's comments on intel ....:no:

magnet said:
i dont think everyone will run for quad cores and than 8 cores-or 16 cores when they come up

but given the psyche of an end user...they actually will...:lol: same was said about dual cores a few months back...but now every new pc being assembled has a dual core when quads,octa cores become mainstream, ppl will buy them...;)
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