Americans are NOT stupid

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Saw this half a year ago, and it still cracks me up!

Although, we would've got nearly the same type of answers if a similar survey were to be done in the Indian streets.
eggjjhhaacctly... this is not exclusive to the Americans. Of course, they might be dumb ( I mean, Bush got re-elected !! )...but this is not proof of that.
@params cmon man there may be some people who might get confused by looking at tht stupid map they were showing for pinning countries
country starts with U....... freaking nuts they never thought they were standing on one >.<

10 eiffel towers in paris nice :rofl: :rofl:

@params atleasst u wont get those types of answers in cities i dont know if ur counting villages
Actually average indian will fare well in questions like this. Keep in mind studies is given lot more importance in India than in US. 80% of the US population dont go beyond highschool. And they can complete highschool without taking history classes every year :P

So i dont really blame them. They are brought up like this hehe.
^^I wonder what these High school grads do?? i mean what kinda jobs they get, man, atleast in india, even a graduation is not enuf..its just such an unfair divide.. :no:
If they did one on indians, all the racist chants will go up.

See its ok to make them look stupid so long as you cant confuse it with race or religon, tho in reality if you were smart with the questions you could get the same result anywhere, its just in fashion nowadays to bash americans. actually it prolly has always been in fashion...hmmm

That bush one i got in an email yrs go..but it always cracks me up and with voices its superb :D

Private Ryan said:
^^I wonder what these High school grads do?? i mean what kinda jobs they get, man, atleast in india, even a graduation is not enuf..its just such an unfair divide.. :no:
Simple, any job, americans do in thier country will pay more (in money terms) than their more educated counterparts anywhere else in the world. So as far as they are concerned their world view does not need to go beyond (not what their foreign policy has been like over the last 40 yrs or so, but thats another discussion hehe).

Think about that for a minute, you can get a monkey to do a job when they want a degree in this country, see its more of a filtering process, you dont always need the qualification, it just makes the selectors job easier. You're one who wants the job right :)
That's right. For a comparison, Petrol pump workers with no education earns at least 1500$ a month, that's a Rs.70,000 a month job, something that'll take college and even more to achieve in here.
Params7 said:
That's right. For a comparison, Petrol pump workers with no education earns at least 1500$ a month, that's a Rs.70,000 a month job, something that'll take college and even more to achieve in here.

U have to take in account of the purchasin power also ... its a lil hight though .. nut not that much
i did, you have far more buying power (your money gets your more) in the US than anywhere else in the world.

So not only do u make more, you can get more with what was earned as well.

Who can blame them for not caring what goes on elsewhere, knowledge that won't necesarily put more food on the table.
^^ Ok thats fine but how about a sense of gratitude towards the country that is providing them with so many advantages... they don't know anything about their own country... they have no idea wat their own troops are doing overseas defending their way of life.
PriyoBan said:
... they have no idea wat their own troops are doing overseas defending their way of life.
ooh careful there, they know very well, if you recall the last election 49% were aginst the war, its just the swing votes that tipped it towards the republicans. or at least thats what they were told would happen (another lie but n/m)

If you pick your audience carefully, edit out the intelligent answers and only keep the dumb ones, the perception changes a lot right :)

We dont know how many ppl they interviewed, do we :)

if you show only the dumb answers, then yes, if we are not careful we might end up, by believing, not being any smarter than those portrayed ;)
^^Okay then lets leave this video out... lets consider that this was merely a gimmick. I'm pretty sure National Geographic wouldn't be conducting a gimmick survey:

Lack of Global Awareness Among American Youth
Despite the diversity, the demand from business and political leaders for a more globally aware workforce, and the remarkable number of international events and issues that demand their attention, American youth are still failing to learn enough about the world, and even about their own communities. A 2002 survey by National Geographic found that young adults in the U.S. ranked near the bottom of those in industrialized countries in their knowledge of world and national geography, as well as in current affairs such as the Middle East crisis. For example, only 1 in 7 young Americans could find Iraq or Iran on a map of the Middle East. The survey data points to inadequate classroom exposure as a major cause of poor global awareness. Our programs are therefore designed to help prepare young people for professional success and responsible global citizenship in our increasingly complex and interconnected world.

source:World Savvy
Sure, i won't dispute that, not only in geography they are behind in science & mathematics on average as well. Its a huge educational debate blah blah, the likes of which you hear in most countries.

But tell me this, how is that their scientists manage to produce more papers and win more Nobels than maybe a lot of the other western countries put together. Our country with all its graduates, is barely scratching the surface on that level. Lots of papers, but more fundamental research, we should be at least close behind the Chinese in this aspect, but still not there.

If the US run short of technical ppl, just let a few foreigners in, let some more in to the universites for advanced degrees, 9 times out of 10, they stay back and become US citizens. US manages to attract & retain talent worldwide pretty well.

Care to comment on our literacy record ? :no:

i mean these guys might not be able to point out some country on a map but i bet they can read & write better than a lot in our own country.

See that joke was put together by an Aussie grp, maybe u recognised the accent, the program is called The chasers war on everything, doing quite well .

i guess they can feel a little bit smug, but then their leader John Howard seems very willing to commit his country to strange foreign causes that have no bearing whatsoever on Oz, just to be in good books with the 'merikans.
blurp said:
But tell me this, how is that their scientists manage to produce more papers and win more Nobels

hey blurp how many indians are there in NASA? how many Doc's in usa are indians? and how many are working in M$??? if u look at the population of india itself its ~102 cr although i think its more than tht lol now try to look how many indians are there in the world ;) dont look at everything from india point of view try to look from Indians point of view i dont think indians need ne justification of ne sort.
You are referring to ppl of Indian orgins. Those ppl in NASA are US citizens. Recently immigrated docs as well. Who cares if they grew up here. Their output is seen within the context of where they are now and benefits the one they are in.

So there should be a lot more left from where that came from right ?

..why do we lag behind still (not talking literacy anymore).

..things like we are IT capital of the world, but most of the major software companies are still american. We just good at prodving a never ending supply of cheap grunts to work in them. that we are beginning to replace them at thier jobs with what little we were given is certainly a source of pride, look at those posts on slashdot whenever India is mentioned, they are pissed off, thats a good sign..

.When do we start to 0wn shit..

i seriously hope we are at the stage that Japan was in during the 1970s, when their cars were a laughing stock in the west, 20 yrs later, hehe different story, even the Germans found respect.
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