Sure, i won't dispute that, not only in geography they are behind in science & mathematics on average as well. Its a huge educational debate blah blah, the likes of which you hear in most countries.
But tell me this, how is that their scientists manage to produce more papers and win more Nobels than maybe a lot of the other western countries put together. Our country with all its graduates, is barely scratching the surface on that level. Lots of papers, but more fundamental research, we should be at least close behind the Chinese in this aspect, but still not there.
If the US run short of technical ppl, just let a few foreigners in, let some more in to the universites for advanced degrees, 9 times out of 10, they stay back and become US citizens. US manages to attract & retain talent worldwide pretty well.
Care to comment on our literacy record ? :no:
i mean these guys might not be able to point out some country on a map but i bet they can read & write better than a lot in our own country.
See that joke was put together by an Aussie grp, maybe u recognised the accent, the program is called The chasers war on everything, doing quite well .
i guess they can feel a little bit smug, but then their leader John Howard seems very willing to commit his country to strange foreign causes that have no bearing whatsoever on Oz, just to be in good books with the 'merikans.