amp+iem for 10k budget

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manu george

All audiphiles in TE please help me to get a good combination for my price range.I can extend my budget a little bit.I want a flat response and transparent sound.
I am very mad about soundstage with width and depth.
I am having sansa clip+ as my portable player.
I am considering fio e11 for is e11 sound is its there better amps than e11 in comparison.
I googled lot of iems but now I am in big cofusion.please recommend a good one for me.
please post your advises thank you all in advance.
why are you considering buying an amp? You won't require an amp for iems. I suggest you should get an iem for that budget of yours like the Audio technica CK10 or the TF10. Has a very faint V curve in the freq chart and the CK10 has a slight treble spike. But both are the best in soundstage even when compared to iems twice its price.
Get Hifiman RE262 since it has 150ohm impedence it will benifit from amping,it has a good soundstage also.You can get any fiio amp with rest of money.
CK10 > RE262 when it comes to sound stage and it doesn't require amping

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esanthosh said:
CK10 has a slightly open feel to it, a feeling that I get with FX700, Playaz N1 and ECCI PR401. The sound stage feels limitless, though it may not be the biggest stage ever in an IEM. What CK10 does well is in how it uses that space. Each sound has it's own unique spot in the sound field. Drummer hit right of center, then left of center but slightly off middle and right in the middle? Three unique spots which you can point with your finger easily. Yes! any IEM would do that, but they don't feel pinpoint accurate like CK10. Did I say 'accurate'? Make it precise. Accurate would mean that somehow I tapped into the studio and knew where the recording engineer intended to position the sound in my head .

esanthosh's quote from the above thread
from where I can get ck10.but in iem addict(sorry) says ck10 has poor depth in soundstage.I am considering re262 and e11 is it a good cobination.
Who says "poor depth" in CK10? Not this addict :)

CK10 has good all round sound stage with precise positioning - something you do not get with any other IEM. If you strive for accuracy and neutral sound, all you need is a little EQ + CK10. It is pretty flat. It has a narrow band spike at 10Khz, but that can be EQ-ed out. If you need a little more bass quantity, you can EQ the lower band a little upward.

TF10 is not about 'accuracy'. It meets the opposite end of the requirement - all round fun. It has a slight V-shape, but I personally do not feel the mids as recessed - something head-fi has finally come to accept if that recent thread is any indication. I can say that there are other IEMs that better TF10 technically, but there's still something nice about that sound stage and imaging that makes me want to keep it. I've considered selling it more than once, but every time I ended up keeping it.

RE262 is completely different. It is technically great, but has a very mid-centric signature. I like it, but would consider RE272 when it gets down in price or goes for a lower rate in head-fi used forums to be a better choice.

DBA-02 / B2 are also choices to consider. They have a very lean sound, but would be well within your budget.

Except for RE262, you don't need FiiO E11 just for the sake of having an amp.
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between b2 and dba02 which one is more good in terms of sounstage and bass region.I want height more than width.I occassionaly hear hip hop also so I just want a little rumble also.
^^how can I get a ck10 in india.

also I am looking at brainwavz b2 from mp4 nation.will it cost more when it comes in hands.
Listen to Benny, he is right.. :)

Get a ck10 or a tf10.. If you listen to hiphop, even the sennheiser ie6-60, ie8-80 will fit in, but they are not going to be in your 10k budget.
you all saw the two deals available in brand new and 2 month it a good deal for 9k for brand new with out warranty.

I have some confusions.actually triple fi 10 and triple fi10 pro are same or they are two different models.
manu george said:
actually triple fi 10 and triple fi10 pro are same or they are two different models.
same thing

edge111hussain said:
Get a ck10 or a tf10.. If you listen to hiphop, even the sennheiser ie6-60, ie8-80 will fit in, but they are not going to be in your 10k budget.

there are lot of iems but since he's mentioned his budget, I din't bother suggesting. For a flat freq response and good soundstage even the Westone UM3x and the Westone3 are amazing. But no point giving advice for iems if it doesn't fit the OP's budget. Right now TF10's are really cheap from their usual price which make them a good buy. If the user doesn't mind that, the CK10 was a good suggestion until the point the OP brought the hip hop thing in the picture. CK10 doesn't have a big rumble in the bass and might leave you desiring for more if bass is what you seek. One can always EQ it in.

Both the TF10 and CK10 will have to be ordered from abroad from Amazon or ebay. There are many gateways websites/companies which deliver stuff from amazon to india now a days. You can look into those. I haven't tried them but quite a few other members on TE use them.

Also the Radius DDM has a very flat freq curve.

I've auditioned all of the above mentioned iems personally and I'm not speaking from hearsay. None of the above mentioned require an amp. Clip+ will drive them perfectly.
Hmm... Looks like you are chasing the perfect IEM. It does not exist. You mentioned to me that you like something analytical, but you want rumble + have sound stage as one of the primary requirements. Get TF10 from any one of the deals and be done with it. There are many options I can give you, but they will not pass all the requirements you currently have.


DDM-1 hardly has a flat FR. I currently have it on loan. I posted my rather long type-as-I-listen impressions over at HFV - The Radius DDM/HP-TWF11R - Page 13. Refer DDM vs DDM-2 FR graph in Ink's review of DDM-2

I had posted my review of a few iems when I had auditioned them a year back. I can't find the thread where I had posted it but I have my views which I had noted down on my iPhone when I was auditioning them.

"Radius ddm : not very engaging, laid back, smooth mids, but not very lush. Fairly neutral sound. Good detailing, fairly decent soundstage.

Ortofon eq7 : Lacks a bass punch, excellent mids, very engaging mids, very forward, good soundstage, lacks a bass punch, no sub bass, no texture in the bass, did I mention excellent mids
;) the lack of bass makes it an absolute no no for edm listeners. The thing abt edm music is in almost every song, especially the part when the sounds increase and get louder from a slower : softer part, it's followed by a powerful bass punch which falls flat and entirely impactless on the eq7.

Westone Um3x : is much flatter, kinda neutral overall, treble is more controlled, bass is a tad lesser as compared to the tf10s.

Westone 3 : simply loved them, made my day. Excellent separation, as good as the tf10's. Smooth mids, beautiful clean highs, excellent build quality. Nice punchy bass, tight & controlled, not as textured as the tf10's". - comment posted by me on another thread from a year back

I stand corrected ;) The DDM does not have a very flat freq curve as I said before but has a roll off after the 7khz mark. Thanks esanthosh :)
hai all audiphiles my sincere and heartfull of to thanks all of you.I fixed to buy tf10 10days used from one member in TE.I am new to top tier iems so after this please help me to enter the world of iem that takes all the hearts high.thank you again.
special thanks to bennysachdev and my guru iemaddict.
Manu George, Good choice, I haven't too many top tier phones, but TF10 is something I really love. Its forte is imaging! And there's good depth to the soundstage. More than everything, the damn thing really gets you enjoying the music!
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