Kudos to this autowala.
Unfortunately, in Pune, autowalas are fcking @$$holes, they probably don't care about their families i feel. They are ok with just sitting there entire day with other autowalas and chat than to run their autos on meter. Always asking for high charges and meter is for show. I have NEVER EVER found any auto wala in Pune who took me by meter. May be because they spot I am IT guy ? May be.
And it is not only me, be it old ladies, other people i have seen them asking for more money and not by meter.
I have a bike for this very reason so i am not dependent on them. But there are occasions when I am forced to take an auto and always got ripped (because it was my need of hour).
Contrary in Mumbai, you will rarely see any autowala asking more money than meter, even if it 3 AM in the morning. But there are some d1cks near National park, Borivali area who quote charges and not go as per meter, i just laugh at their face and move ahead and go to next one.