An intresting Slim PS3-X360 comparison

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At first glance PS3 seems to be ahead.

Better question is are ALL the games you want on it ?
blr_p said:
At first glance PS3 seems to be ahead.

Better question is are ALL the games you want on it ?

Yeah. You will find all multi platform games on PS3 as well and 360 has almost no exclusives these days while PS3 still has many. You would miss very little if you do not have a XBOX360 compared to what you would miss if you do not have a PS3. If you have a gaming PC and PS3, you would miss nothing. My 360 Elite lying idle for an year is a living testament to that.
here we go..yet again..

plz close this topic before a war starts which has no ends...

everyone has diff opinions and they shud keep them to theirselves..
blr_p said:

At first glance PS3 seems to be ahead.

Better question is are ALL the games you want on it ?
OMFG, please do not start the all time stupid argument yet again. PS3 for god's sake has better exclusives than the 360. Most of the 360 titles are playable on the PC as well. Simple as that! PS3 is way ahead in every form compared to the 360. You almost end up saving $200 if you plan to buy PS3 compared to the crappy 360 Arcade.

All the way PS3, i feel the prices for 360 will be slashing down in a while. Microsoft's got some serious work to do!
lol, that was exactly my point with the comment. Just going with the table as i'm not a gamer so was not sure if concluding PS3 is the better choice was an accurate one.
If you play original games, PS3 may be better, but x360 is the only hackable platform between these two.

Of course what good is a hacked machine if it has a RROD.
When the same game is available for both the consoles, I find myself buying the xbox 360 version. The main reason for this is the controller and upscaling of the game resolution.
sickizblank said:
OMFG, please do not start the all time stupid argument yet again. PS3 for god's sake has better exclusives than the 360. Most of the 360 titles are playable on the PC as well. Simple as that! PS3 is way ahead in every form compared to the 360. You almost end up saving $200 if you plan to buy PS3 compared to the crappy 360 Arcade.

All the way PS3, i feel the prices for 360 will be slashing down in a while. Microsoft's got some serious work to do!
Then y did u buy a Xbox 360 recently :huh: ? ...
Smith said:
When the same game is available for both the consoles, I find myself buying the xbox 360 version. The main reason for this is the controller and upscaling of the game resolution.

Comparison between both the controllers tech-wise ~ The Controllers - PS3 vs XBox 360

It's a matter of personal preference though. I've been used to using the PS Controller for years now (PS1,PS2 Normal,Slim and now PS3. So kind of used to it)
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