Android 2.2 (Froyo) versus iOS 4: the browser showdown

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I am elated:D:D Might finally switch to android:P Now froyo can save me a few milli seconds every time i use it:D Hopefully gingerbread will shave of a few nano-seconds!!Wonder what i will do with that extra nano-second i save!!Maybe play a decent game...unfortunately android doesn't have any! Maybe i will just use that extra time to design a new skin and release it as a new app in the android market:P

Too bad for you isn't it. Maybe if it was iPhone that had the nano second advantage, then maybe you could have played those iPhone games that stays interesting for all of one nano second.
@smoky004: I tried my best to keep out of all the flaming and pointless mudslinging that has been going on around Android and iOS/iPhone4 since past few weeks, but this is seriously getting annoying now. If you don't have anything constructive to offer in the discussion, please do us a favor and shut the hell up.

It's evident and undeniable that Froyo is a major step in Android updates in terms of performance tuning and optimization of overall platform. iOS 4, however good seems like rushed and badly needs fixes. Even though the difference in small, it's there and Apple really need to put some of the speed fixes of Safari 5 in mobile Safari as well. Froyo is like a Snow Leopard of Android, bringing many under the hood tweaks to boost the performance and Apple need to bring similar optimizations to iOS 4 (4.5 maybe?).

PS: NO Nemesis, don't start on Snow Leopard issues now, I know you have plenty... but for many of us it did offer good performance boost on the same hardware. :P
also nexus hardware specs are worse than the iphones. so froyo would be way faster than those milliseconds it shows now if it was installed on a phone with same hardware specs as iphone4 imo.
iGo said:
@smoky004: I tried my best to keep out of all the flaming and pointless mudslinging that has been going on around Android and iOS/iPhone4 since past few weeks, but this is seriously getting annoying now. If you don't have anything constructive to offer in the discussion, please do us a favor and shut the hell up.
You don't get to tell me what i should do.
^ That wasn't an order, it was a suggestion. See, I even wrote "Please" and didn't use STFU instead of "shut the hell up"... :P

...and frankly, as a long time iPhone user (since the first generation 4GB one and 3G), I do get to make that suggestion when a deranged iFanboi starts getting borderline creepo.
iGo said:
^ That wasn't an order, it was a suggestion. See, I even wrote "Please" and didn't use STFU instead of "shut the hell up"... :P

...and frankly, as a long time iPhone user (since the first generation 4GB one and 3G), I do get to make that suggestion when a deranged iFanboi starts getting borderline creepo.
Ahh!!! that's the problem....Why do retarded people always think others are retarded/creepo.? And next time keep your suggestion to yourself!
smoky004 said:
Ahh!!! that's the problem....Why do retarded people always think others are retarded/creepo.? And next time keep your suggestion to yourself!
I would have loved to comment on ur argument but really, I am sick of this Apple-Google OS war......

I prefer Android & I let Apple be...... I would never buy an iPhone...... That's it.

Peace. :)
Smoky, a member made a rational suggestion. And now I am making one. And do remember, I can do something about it as well.

That post was nothing but pointless spam as it has been for a while in any Android / Apple thread.

Consider this as an official warning from me.

Next one will fetch you an infraction.
huh ? What happened.... Looks like some posts disappeared... :P

Hope I can save and buy a Android phone soon :)
Damn, I missed out on a flame-war? :(
Shucks! Next time call me!! :D

Erm, as for Froyo and iOS 4, I am slowly losing track of the advantages of the iOS/iPhone. With every update, the Android platform's getting stronger and stronger.
BUT, the big issue for the Android is that there isn't any killer-phone out there at the moment. The Galaxy S is awesome but is built like any other mid-range phone, the Droid X is great too but fears of battery life abound (like the EVO 4G)...and Google has closed all speculations about a Nexus Two. :(

One killer phone. One.
Plijj? :D

(In the meanwhile, I am waiting for CyanogenMod 6 to jump on to Froyo with my G1!)
Smokey004 vanished? Anyway, no guys you didn't miss much. He was just being himself (you know what I mean, if you have read some of earlier gems in other threads)... and got a warning from Shripad saar.... so I don't know what happened after that, but currently he's missing along with his posts. :P
iGo said:
Smokey004 vanished? Anyway, no guys you didn't miss much. He was just being himself (you know what I mean, if you have read some of earlier gems in other threads)... and got a warning from Shripad saar.... so I don't know what happened after that, but currently he's missing along with his posts. :P
The quote you see in nehaladsul's post ( was his response to your second post here.
That was enough for me to soft delete all his posts in this thread.
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