Android dilemma


Beer connoisseur
So I'm in the market for a new phone, and I haven't been this confused in a while. There's a couple of good options in the market right now, and my current phone is really on its last legs. I'm open to spending about 30-32k, so here are the few options I have come up with.

1) Samsung Galaxy S II

- Excellent screen
- Fantastic performance
- Price (around 27k new)

- Bit old and plasticky
- ICS upgrade will take forever (knowing Samsung)
- Might not get more upgrades beyond vanilla ICS (haha, see what I did there?)
2) HTC Sensation XE

- Good design
- Beats Audio (I listen to a LOT of music)
- HTC Sense + faster upgrades based on the past
- Overclocked processor

- Screen not so great when compared to AMOLED
- 768MB RAM
- More expensive than S2 (around 31.5k)
3) Motorola Razr

- Sexiest phone ever; excellent quality
- AMOLED screen
- 1GB RAM, excellent processor (though not as good as S2's)
- ICS upgrade in early 2012

- Motorola UI is memory-intensive
- Most expensive (32k)
- Non-removable battery
I'm not biased towards any one or it'd be easier to make a decision. I don't know what to buy now. Is it worth it to shell out ~5k more for the Razr over the S2? I like the feel of the Moto, but the Sammy has equal/better specs and both will receive ICS upgrades which will improve performance. Or should I just wait a month and get something else completely? I'm not a fan of the Galaxy Nexus, so I don't want that (I need USB micro-drive capability). Maybe wait for the first breed of native ICS phones from HTC and Sammy? I know there will always be better phones in the not-too-distant-future so it's better to take the plunge now, so what do I do? Or if you think there are other phones that I've ignored that deserve some love, I'm open to ideas.

Thanks in advance for your insights :)

Well all the above mentioned phones are very capable.

Though S2 will be the best bet but I see quite a few S2 around. If you wanna have a phone that no one else has then get the Razr (I had Motorola Ming and loved the attention it got from people! )

Otherwise S2 is the phone for you!
Something I have noticed here at te is that not many recommend sensation,

Is there any specific reason for that?

It has the best build quality of The three and feels like a brick to hold whereas the s2 is flimsy and at times creaky

Technically it lags behind a bit, but doesn't the excellent build quality make up ffor it?

Sent from my Z71
^True that. The Razr is too thin and blocky for holding comfortably(as observed in a review). I dont like its looks either. So imo, not worth the extra 5k. Samsung beats the other two hands down in the performance department. But the build and design aren't anywhere near good. I'd say go for the Sensation design(red+black color), sense ui and beats audio make it worth the money.
I've held the Razr, and while it's very thin in some areas, it's got a very nice feel in the hand. The Kevlar and Gorilla glass give it weight, and it doesn't feel plastic like the Galaxy S2.

I'm getting a Sensation XE on test, but from what I've recently read, Beats Audio is mostly a gimmick and a resource hog. So for now that's pretty much off the table.

Gaah why is this so hard? What do I doooo?
There is nothing extra in the new sensation apart from excellent included headphones. The SQ is same other then a few equalizr tweaks. I also did not find razr look good, looks like inspired from nokia x7 . Also take not of frankly outdated soc of sensation. It is not exactly a8 more of something between a8 and a9. Galaxy s2 does not have outstanding sq, but I don't think you will be doing any extended audio sessions on any android given the sub standard battery life most androids sport. .
S2 often suffers from L.H.S yellow screen display problem & pink centre camera..apart from weak battery,weak audio,weak wifi, subpar camera & a inspired average design... i think these r mainly the cons of the sgs2,...other than it's really a Beast !!!
Techie#1 said:
S2 often suffers from L.H.S yellow screen display problem & pink centre camera..apart from weak battery,weak audio,weak wifi, subpar camera & a inspired average design... i think these r mainly the cons of the sgs2,...other than it's really a Beast !!!

Well I think the point in blue is applicable to most android phones.(and the new BB range too,as per reviews)

And the red point is again debatable.

But the thing is, If we want our phones to be Full HD playing, console beating gaming , and brighter screens, something has to give away. Unfortunately that's why battery life suffers.
the point being Mobile phone tech has deveoped by leaps & bounds in G.P,...But sadly it's Battery tech only takes strides in A.P!... & so we find a vast mismatch between the capability of current devices & what is actually done/can b done with those capacity!