Android Updates


Help me understand something. Why do we have to wait for the Mobile companies to release android updates for a particular handset. As in, when Android 2.3 has been released why can't we just install that on our phones ourselves?? like in the case of computer operating systems. I know there must be a good rationale behind it but I can't seem to guess it.

PS : on, a completely different note. I want a phone by July 2nd. I love the Defy right now, should I go ahead with the Letsbuy 15k deal or wait for another phone/offer??
Updating android is more like a surgical strike rather than carpet bombing. Each manufacturer has different segments in android and each of these segments has different physical assemblies which in-turn brings different software drivers that are specific to that device. So a company has to test and retest 100 of times before deploying the package to each of the mobile segments/devices. And this is the more important part they are most likely to have a core group of engineers working on the high end segments where as the lower end and middle end segments almost always gets the second rate treatment. Marketing strategy also comes into play here.

Besides u can update ur phone to anything u want.just root and head to xda. That would be the best thing u would do for ur phone and urself. And yes u can completely revert back if something goes wrong. Odin is God.

P.S Defy is one of the best phones u can get ur hands on at that price. Waiting is over ratted mate. U can wait till SGS2 Mini comes along but the Samsung would spew out the quad-core phones. So go with defy and oc it to 1ghz and live the high life.
Okay! I didn't understand a single thing from the first paragraph but I will take your word for it. Sounds like high tech stuff. Maybe I have no business being on this forum.

I do however agree completely with your post script and hence shall be clicking on the "buy" button soon. Much appreciate the help bro.
First, never ever under sell urself. The first paragraph is rudimentary at best. Read it a coupla times it would come to u. And u very much belong to this forum cuz u have something a lot of rookies don't, humility. Besides u are here from 2009. So go around read stuff even those u dont understand. in a month u would be making waves here.

As for the second thing. yes defy is the best u can get. But if u are a "risker" take the>aramex route and get a Samsung vibrant. it would blow the defy out of the water so fast ur head would spin. But that comes at the cost of the warranty. One thing about vibrant is its the easiest phone to unbrick. So its upto u.
To put it in simple terms, Android is an Operating System, and the primary of task of an OS is to act as a bridge between the user and the hardware. A cell phone comprises of many components, like a CPU, GPU, a chip for Mobile connectivity, a chip for Wi-fi blutetooth, FM, various sensor setc. The issue is that there is no uniform standard for these components. So the FM chip for a Motorola Defy might be entirely different from the one for Optimus one. Android needs to know how to get things done with the various components and this is "taught" to Android by drivers which the manufacturers provide. Many of these drivers are not open source and are available only as "binary blobs". The core of Android is the Linux kernel and different versions of Android ship with different versions of the Linux kernel. One of the drawbakcs(features!?), unlike Windows, FreeBSD and Solaris, of the Linux kernel is that does not have a stable driver interface, meaning drivers which are written for one version of the kernel may not work on newer ones. This is because it is assumed that all drivers are available in source code form and people can update it to the newer kernel before release. But, unfortunately in reality this is never the case. As soon as a new Anroid version is released, the manufacturer has to modify (if needed) the various drivers and release an update after thorough testing. In my opinion this should takke more than 3 months. But most manufacturers take more time because once a sale is made they already hace your money in their pocket, and therefore they choose to concentrate on getting the next molel out of the door, rather than spending their efforts on updating older devices.
I can vouch for the defy, its pretty much the best u can get at 15k...and btw, 2.2 for Defy is out in USA and some parts of europe, should be here anytime now
@memnom: Thanks for the advice. I think I am gonna stick to Defy coz I really like how it looks.

@unixguru : Thanks for breaking it down for me.

I hope you guys can give me your 2 cents on another matter.

I will be living in Shillong for the next 2 years. That place, to the best of my knowledge does not have any 3G service provider. Now, the question it worth it to buy a smart phone(Defy) without 3G?

Actually, my only phone usage is making calls and sending texts. I hardly take pictures, have an iPod for music and don't play mobile games (or any video games for that matter). Is it worth buying a 15k phone just because of damn good looks or I'd be better off with something else (suggestions..)

Android is all about apps. 2g will be enough to play with them. Just buy a andriod smartphone, once you get a feel of it,you will never regret it.

Also, for casual use you can have your own wifi network at home and download apps/games and surf at high speed.
Well, I personally don't suggest @OP Android. As he says, there is no 3G and, he will only use his phone to make and receive calls and SMS. Calls is not a problem, but typing SMS though touchscreen will make his life miserable.

@OP If you can get an WiFi go for Android..!! You'll enjoy it. Without Internet Android won't give you it's actual taste.

I myself use Nokia 2730c for calls and SMS, and Optimus One for gaming, 3G, Apps, and eye candy things :p
Why Android updates are not pushed by manufacturers?

1. It takes time to build Andriod packages specifically for every model.

2. It takes time to put those custom UIs (which sucks).

3. Manufacturers want few devices to get outdated so that people are forced to buy newer devices from them (market strategy).

The third one is the most important reason.
To put it in simple terms, Android is an Operating System, and the primary of task of an OS is to act as a bridge between the user and the hardware. A cell phone comprises of many components, like a CPU, GPU, a chip for Mobile connectivity, a chip for Wi-fi blutetooth, FM, various sensor setc. The issue is that there is no uniform standard for these components. So the FM chip for a Motorola Defy might be entirely different from the one for Optimus one. Android needs to know how to get things done with the various components and this is "taught" to Android by drivers which the manufacturers provide. Many of these drivers are not open source and are available only as "binary blobs". The core of Android is the Linux kernel and different versions of Android ship with different versions of the Linux kernel. One of the drawbakcs(features!?), unlike Windows, FreeBSD and Solaris, of the Linux kernel is that does not have a stable driver interface, meaning drivers which are written for one version of the kernel may not work on newer ones. This is because it is assumed that all drivers are available in source code form and people can update it to the newer kernel before release. But, unfortunately in reality this is never the case. As soon as a new Anroid version is released, the manufacturer has to modify (if needed) the various drivers and release an update after thorough testing. In my opinion this should takke more than 3 months. But most manufacturers take more time because once a sale is made they already hace your money in their pocket, and therefore they choose to concentrate on getting the next molel out of the door, rather than spending their efforts on updating older devices.

That explained it well.

I got something to be clarified.

If we got the binary kernel and binary drivers from stock rom can we take the aosp android source and compile the next higher versions for the same device as and when they are available?

Why does it need changes to the kernel, the hardware doesn't change anyway?

Any thoughts on this.
tutysara said:
That explained it well.

I got something to be clarified.

If we got the binary kernel and binary drivers from stock rom can we take the aosp android source and compile the next higher versions for the same device as and when they are available?

Why does it need changes to the kernel, the hardware doesn't change anyway?

Any thoughts on this.

Yes in fact this is what is done by the wonderful people at Xda. I am cuirently running on Gingerbread on my Optimus one, but the kernel actually a modified LG kernel made from the kernel source LG released as per GPL by talented person called Mik. This particular modified kernel even has updated binar drivers sourced from somewhere which vastly improve Graphics perfomance. But reading the thread on Xda it seems Mik had to put a lot effort in getting the Froyo kernel to work well with gingerbread. You will get a better answer if you ask the same question on xda.
piyush_888 said:
I will be living in Shillong for the next 2 years. That place, to the best of my knowledge does not have any 3G service provider. Now, the question it worth it to buy a smart phone(Defy) without 3G?

Actually, my only phone usage is making calls and sending texts. I hardly take pictures, have an iPod for music and don't play mobile games (or any video games for that matter). Is it worth buying a 15k phone just because of damn good looks or I'd be better off with something else (suggestions..)

For your first question, what when 3G comes to town in a few months from now? 3G services will be rolled out pan India by the end of the year.

As for the second question. There are many things a smart phone does. They will give you access to many apps for which you will have no real world use. But once you use them they will become a lifestyle and you will get addicted to them. A high end phone will give you better screen and faster processor to run those eye candy apps.

The most basic smartphone features are available even in a good old Nokia. So you might as well go for Nokia E5. It looks good too. You will save 6K and it will serve you well for your needs and a bit more for the next two years.

I too would suggest you to refrain from android and dont join the i-too-want-an-android-because-everyone-has-it bandwagon.

It is true that once you use an android based phone, you may (not necessarily) love it but for your purpose, you just buy any basic (smart) phone with features that you can use.

And yes trust me, typing on on screen keyboard does make life miserable. I have still not got used to it but many people have (or at least they claim to). Renegade's option of E5 actually is very sensible as you will get a trusted nokia and symbian OS phone (yes i still love symbian). Android for many things heavily depends on internet and without it you may not be leverage the phone's complete ability.

Also the problem with android is that it relies on apps heavily and that too apps which you never wanted but after using them you feel you always wanted them (human nature). Also too many choices available which makes things confusing.

Basic stuff like music player, SMS have tons of apps. Do we actually need them ??

Just by default give me classic inbox style and conversation style (for those who love it) messaging in one and i would never ever look for any SMS app.

Standard things like contacts too have numerous apps.

My vote goes for a standard non-android smartphone and if you are hell bent on android then buy something cheaper for now like LG O1 etc. Just for looks etc dont waste your hard-earned money. The novelty will eventually die in few days.

PS: All the above are my personal opinions. :p