Another BitTorrent Site Bites the Dust

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The BitTorrent community says goodbye to another indexing site, EzTorrent. Unlike many other BitTorrent sites, EzTorrent was a bit different. Instead of copious amount of warez or copyrighted material, EzTorrent was central hub for those interested in live recordings for mainstream and unknown music.
According to users of the site, there was current "Top 40" music available, however it was a minor attribute compared to the live content. Currently it is unclear what copyright entity shut the site down. The shut down notice on the site only states that EzTorrent's ISP had received notification from "lawyers." The following is from the
Hello gals and guys,

We're very sorry having to tell you that we had to shut down EZT just a couple of minutes ago.

We got a call from our provider, they had received a few letters from a couple of lawyers. They requested EZT to be shut down immediately, otherwise we and the hosting service would be sued.

As you may imagine, we do not have the funds to fight a battle we most probably can't win anyway.

We would like to thank everyone here for their contributions to EZT, one way or the other, for sharing the music, sharing an ideal, for all your mails, rants, praises...
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