Another scammer



Why scientists even bother signing such books?
I lost any respect I had for such scientists.
Press F for sensible, scientific minded people in minority living in India...

Edit: His book is on Amazon. This is on the last cover page
The Sanatan Dharam is the true original source of all scientific knowledge. Western Civillizations have not done any scientific discovery in human history. True scientific knowledge was revealed in The Vedas (the primary scriptures of The Sanatan Dharam). The Rig Ved Verse 10.149.1 reveals Gravity far before Newton does, and the Rig Ved Verse 10.82.3 reveals Atoms far before Democritus gets an idea of it, For example. Every single discovery the Western Civillization has credited themselves for is already revealed in the Vedas (which were written before the Pyramids in Egypt were built). 46 scientific concepts that the West has plagiarized from the Vedas are revealed here. The citations and references that prove the Vedas have revealed the scientific concept before the West is given in this book. The purpose of this book is to encourage you of what The Swami Vivekanand said, which is to follow the Vedas.
I find that the most productive response to that, and the plastic surgery claims, is:

The reason why no one is going to take your claim seriously is because of all the people who read those scriptures way back then, not a single person did anything with that knowledge.

It was left forgotten and unutilised. No infrastructure was built, no expeditions were launched, no progress was ever made. Everything existed in a cloud of smoke.

That's the same as the people of Babylon, because they didn't do anything with their knowledge, they've been forgotten. Same with these scriptures.

The west is successful not because they claim to have discovered things, but because they actually did something with those discoveries. They progressed.

If it is really true that those discoveries were made here and we have proof, why didn't the people of India progress? Who prevented them? Who suppressed them?

It can't be the British; they ruled over Indians for less than 200 years, and these scriptures are a few thousands years old. The earliest europeans arrived maybe 400 years ago.

If you say it's the romans, that's still at least a thousand years after the scriptures were written, plenty of time for the people of India to do amazing things with this knowledge.

Clearly, your claim shows that the knowledge survived all these centuries, so it wasn't hidden away or forgotten. All you've done is prove that India and Indians are lazy.

And for additional effect (not recommended):

You're an anti-national for exposing our ancestors as being lazy.
Exact same thought came in my head. If we developed all those things, why don't we have flying chariots today? Did we suddenly lose the ability to use magic? Where is my flying carpet and jinn?
Why are we begging foreign companies for everything? If anything it shows Indians have regressed mentally in these thousand+ years to become incredibly incompetent lazy people who cannot bother to keep safe their innovations.

Reality is - I think it's just sci-fi ideas jotted down by some scientific authors. Even the Mahabharata and Ramayana are just fictional plays taken out of context by gullible ignorant illiterate people of India and we now have made those characters gods and are running a huge business on it. It's like 1000+ years down the line if some illiterate person found Harry Potter books and made the characters gods/villains and made a huge religion and business out of it. People would marvel at how ordinary people could fly brooms and use magic when reality is a lot different.
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