Security Software anti-virus suggestion thread

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The Weather Man !
hi mates,
here i start a thread for anti-virus queries...:)

please post u'r questions here regarding the best anti-virus and anti-spyware !!!

^^no i meant to say that the members will suggest the anti-virus:)

actually i wanna make it a sticky:)
If you want free, try avira and comodo. For paid, its KAV/KIS. For *ahem*, try nod32 or NIS 2009.

Now why would we need yet another thread for this? :P
^^ there is a diff between AV and IS..

For best AV I think best overall is nav 2009 (free for 365 days trial thru norton promos).. I will try kav 2010 final version this weekend and report

I think best IS overall is KIS 2009 (400 rs/year).. maybe KIS 2010 will be good but I have not tried that.
now ...people please take it seriously.......

@zhopudey.:it's anti-virus thread not firewall
^^ He meant the Comodo antivirus, not the firewall.

And yeah.. we don't need another thread on antiviruses.
there are already a gazillion antivirus and firewall threads..

why don't u refer to them :no:
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