Hello folks,
I thought of starting this thread of keeping track of sorts for my new Goldfish tank which I'm building at home. I will post photographs as the build progresses in the coming months to come. Since this is a decently big project and there will me multiple components which will be added to the tank it will take time and also a whole lot of patience from my end which I hope I can tackle. Good things take time to shape up!
The tank has a little story attached to it. About a couple of years ago, I walked into my local aquarium fish shop and noticed 4 Goldfish being housed in a small tank. The quality of water in that small tank was anything but pristine. The fish looked underfed and one of them had a nasty cut on it's fins. I could tell the fish were extremely unhappy being stuck in such poor conditions. At that point I knew I had to do something. I needed to rescue them.
I ended up getting all of them, brought them home, and have had them with me in a 120 gallon [4' (L) X 2' (W) X 2' (H)] tank ever since. Over the last two years they have grown to become lovely beauties and become an integral part of my fish keeping hobby. Watching them become such colorful splendors have given me immense joy. Their structural growth has improved, their cuts and wounds have healed (with a few scars from the past) and their long flowing fins are now much healthier.
Thus, I finally decided to give them an even bigger home. A ground they could call their own home and also allow other friends to join them in the future.
Ladies and Gentlemen this is a journey of making a 210 Gallon tank for the Goldies I truly cherish...
Fish Tank Details:
Dimensions: 84" (L) X 24" (W) X 24" (H)
Tank Capacity: 210 Gallons (800 Liters approximately)
Substarte: None, Minimalist Bare Bottom.
Stand: Iron with wood top.
As the glass arrived last week:
The glass was sent to me last week, early in the morning. I was fast asleep when my house guards informed me that a truck had arrived with aquarium glass. 3 men from the glass store has accompanied the driver of the truck and they huffed and puffed their way to the 4th floor of my house where this tank will be housed with all of the glass panels.
Filtration: 2 X SunSun HW 304A + 1 X SunSun 302A + 1 SunSun 603B (For Water Polishing Only)
I also have ordered an Eheim 2217, which I should receive soon and will be used on the tank as well. One of the SunSun HW 304A's will be kept for backup.
Miscellaneous stuff I needed:
I will be using 2 power-heads for water movement inside the tank. One I already had which is rated at 2000 L/H and the above one I bought.
Seachem Ammonia Alert.
Although I will be cycling the tank for a good month I have already set the filters up on my old tank so that they will be cycled and help with establishing the new tank once it's been all set. Speeding up the cycling process if you will. I might add in a few Zebra Danio's post 2 weeks but that's still undecided. My Goldfish will only get added after two months from the day I start the cycling process. This should help the tank and the filtration system handle the bio-load once I put the fish in.
To keep track of water temperatures.
The tank was ordered to be made by Mr. Swapan Nath from Kolkata (aka "Buro Da" in the Fishkeeping Hobbyist Community). He is undoubtedly one of the finest makers of aquariums and fish tanks and till date I have always trusted him with making all my tanks.
I will be posting the tank making photographs soon...
Thanks for watching and as always Happy Fishkeeping to everyone!