Any Bank offering low Fees and charges for Paypal Payments

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This is now big concern for me as I decided to buy some stuff from US and to pay by Paypal, found that price it self going way high because of 3.5% Currency Conv. fees and then 10.6% Government fees for paying by Credit Card through Paypal:S

is there ny additional PP charges too :huh:

As this may be well knwon to most TE members bt for me its first time :P

Also few people who used transfer PP funds against INR also stopped der business so no choice left bt to us Credit Card

My Both credit cards HDFC and PNB having same charges is there any Bank offering less than it? anybody here can INR to PP service?
^ Use PayPal's currency conversion (when you make the payment, click on Conversion Options) where you will be charged directly in INR. The fee in that case will be about 2.5% only.

Every bank charges the same 3.5% plus 10.3% ST ~ 3.86% for foreign currency transactions.
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