Any good headphone shop in Delhi/NCR region ?

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Hey guys I broke my sister's IEM now I have to buy her new over the ear headphones. My budget is Rs.1500/- & I want good tight bassy headphones. If you guys know any good headphone shop in Delhi/NCR region where I Can go & test them. Please guys help me.
Thank you
^ my e30s were as good as new even after 13months of daily use untill i sold em off to try something else. have had 3-4 soundmagics and none of them broke or had any issues;). from where the rumours are cropping up. guess from the ones who dont keep their stuffs properlyo_O.
Over the ear less than 3-4k is difficult to get something decent in India.
quite true:sour:.
if you can go on ears, can try sony xb400. falls in your budget only. its not very tight in bass response you are looking for but pretty decent and has got a lot of bass body. nothing i find in that price to be as good as it gets. more on the warmer side, rich sound and very smooth treble, no harshness whatsoever. fun sounding cans, very comfy and the soundstage is of the level of some >3k headphone. saying this having owned AT SJ33 and ad300. xb400 definitely sounds like a more expensive headphone than its selling for.
^ my e30s were as good as new even after 13months of daily use untill i sold em off to try something else. have had 3-4 soundmagics and none of them broke or had any issues;). from where the rumours are cropping up. guess from the ones who dont keep their stuffs properlyo_O.
Well I have own personal experience to vouch for their poor build.[DOUBLEPOST=1377513381][/DOUBLEPOST]Well, mods can close this thread as my sis herself bought some Sony MDX 300[DOUBLEPOST=1377513412][/DOUBLEPOST]Thanks to al the members for helping out & providing your valuable suggestions.
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