Oh... But why? I know the animal crossing bundle is not great but still you get 2 sets of coverplates and the game so it's not that bad either. And the Pokémon red and blue version ones are also out in the US...
Anyway, please share your code when once you buy it as I have 0 friends
Oh sad . I own a US one and have yet to purchase the Eshop cards...
Prabs and Aman, would you mind sharing your friend codes? And please tell me which games have you got and where do you live. I would love to test the streetpass feature if possible! I live in New Delhi.
Oh, I see. Then can you please tell me which games have you got and where do you live. I would love to test the streetpass feature if possible! I live in New Delhi.
Damn. I know a lot of 3DS owners reside in Delhi but I can't get a hold of them. Apparently, I don't have enough 'privileges' to post on some forums (other websites).
So please, if anyones lives in Delhi, please tell me!
lol that's exactly the problem which i have. Even if the model i want is available for purchase it will not be easy to choose between PAL and NTSC. But I've noticed that many in India and around the world have the NTSC so used games are available readily but i heard that used PAL games cost cheaper. I'll probably go with the NTSC. But first i plan to buy the games first since its hard to find the games more than the console itself.
Btw i want to openly admit that i dont really know about the ins and outs of the DS/3DS/Consoles in general. But i had the GBA till Advance SP.
Is flashkart a card in which you can store the ahem games? And eshop cards the legit games online? Do they even work here? I mean i know that you can simply buy a game and play on it but i'm not sure the "online" features work here. Nintendo doesn't officially release the 3DS console or games here. Correct me if i'm wrong.
@gamechep try IVG forum. Lots of console owners there and also has some 3DS fans.
@iPwnz - Flashkart is an adapter with a micro sd slot. It tricks the console into thinking that the actual game pak is inserted into the slot. The games are on the micro sd.
3DS sold in India are NTSC/US. Unlike DS and DS Lite 3DS like the DSi is region locked so if you get a NTSC/US 3DS then you will be able to play games from that region only like the 360, PS2 etc
@gamechèp - If you want to play online and have a PSN account lemme know I will be available on that.
Both of you please tell me the anime names from which you got the profile pics from.
@iPwnz Flashcards are illegal (obviously)
and I saw online that after updating the system, it bricked some of the 3DSs so don't update if plan on using one! And Eshop cards are basically digital money for the Nintendo shop. You can buy and pre-order games with it. Like you purchase it and your Eshop wallet will be credited with the same amount. Some games are Eshop exclusive only like Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies. And yes they would work just fine. 3DS won't detect your location and block the store. You can set the region to US or Canada. So just get the cards (US) and don't worry about the overpriced gray market stuff. I intended to use a flashcart but now I hate piracy. I have played enough games on the DS.
@prabs Sorry dude but I only have a PS2 and I don't know what anime it's from. Though there is a similar anime...the one in which the girl wears an orange jumpsuit.
I know right?
Oh yeah, that reminds me, you will be better off buying the US version as in Dubai which is not that far, US NTSC games are sold. So they are not that expensive, I think...
oh you mean ntsc US games on 3DS NTSC US only? That i know.
But I didn't know that online works in India. If it does then its good enough for a country which doesn't even get an official release lol.
As for the games, I'm not gonna list everything but here's a sample. http://www.indianvideogamer.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=49575&p=2138646#entry2138646
btw, I played Pokemon Emerald for over 1000hrs (system lost count after 999) on my phone using emu.
btw PM me the links. Only which you have tried and tested please. Lots of fakes/non-working files online. >.>
btw i'd rather buy the original games than update and risk the chance of bricking it.
Yeah, that's why I would not ever use a flashkart. Heck I even got 4 games but then I decided to just drop the idea. The games are very huge and I don't think flashkarts can support memory cards exceeding 4 gigs...