Anybody here getting Star Cricket channel?

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I have a TataSky connection and there is no sign of Star Cricket even one day before the first test begins tomorrow. Apparently none of the major MSO's like Hathway, InCable, Liberty etc and DTH companies like DishTv & TataSky are showing Star Cricket. There seems to be some dispute (as usual) over the monthly charges.

I spoke to the helpline guys and they say we have forwarded all requests to the concerned department. What is really bugging me is that Star is a partner in Tatasky. Can't they show their own channels promptly? Its not as if Star Cricket was launched overnight. Couldnt they do all the negotiations earlier? :@
im currently getting some 10 sports channels including star cricket. ( i have a 7 star cable )
DD is not going to show the matches ?

thats the problem of going cas/dth . i have stuck to my local cable to provide everything till the pay channels scheme gets actually implemented.
all things happen last moment so they might start it up just before the match starts ... good luck :)
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