Awesome dude! Ive been reading since the past decade and haven't managed a good score...
While taking the test concentrate really well on the first 12 questions as they can make or break your score. As GRE is computer adaptive test, the first questions carry more weight than the later ones. In fact, if you get the first ones correctly, you can get >1500 even if you ruin the last questions. My low score was due to getting the first questions wrong. Otherwise i would have managed to nudge ~1350.
Me too don't like cramming dude. Thats where good reading habits come in handy. Also GRE isn't antonyms alone. There is the RC aka Reading Comprehension (my favourite section in the whole GRE) and AWA (analytican Writing Assessment).
Awesome dude! Ive been reading since the past decade and haven't managed a good score...
While taking the test concentrate really well on the first 12 questions as they can make or break your score. As GRE is computer adaptive test, the first questions carry more weight than the later ones. In fact, if you get the first ones correctly, you can get >1500 even if you ruin the last questions. My low score was due to getting the first questions wrong. Otherwise i would have managed to nudge ~1350.
Me too don't like cramming dude. Thats where good reading habits come in handy. Also GRE isn't antonyms alone. There is the RC aka Reading Comprehension (my favourite section in the whole GRE) and AWA (analytican Writing Assessment).