Anyone going for VISA?

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Awesome dude! Ive been reading since the past decade and haven't managed a good score...

While taking the test concentrate really well on the first 12 questions as they can make or break your score. As GRE is computer adaptive test, the first questions carry more weight than the later ones. In fact, if you get the first ones correctly, you can get >1500 even if you ruin the last questions. My low score was due to getting the first questions wrong. Otherwise i would have managed to nudge ~1350.


Me too don't like cramming dude. Thats where good reading habits come in handy. Also GRE isn't antonyms alone. There is the RC aka Reading Comprehension (my favourite section in the whole GRE) and AWA (analytican Writing Assessment).
+1 for regular reading

Meesa was helped infintely because of archies, asterixes, tintins, iznogouds, Readers digests , etc.....

<Don't knock comics - half the "Barrons" words are in them :D>

It also helps if you try and use the new words that you learn in everyday conversations, even if you don't actually say them out loud - mentally think on what word would be appropriate where - mugging words is not the best way to retain them - put them in some sort of context, i.e. in your fav. song lyrics - they become easy to remember
BUT --- If mugging works for ya - nothing like it :D
Also, try associating something to the word. By doing that your mind will be able to remember the words more efficiently.

For example, I imagined a politician for 'garrulous' (which means talkative) and supermodels for anorexic.
soggy316 said:
It also helps if you try and use the new words that you learn in everyday conversations

+1 to that...
me an my freinds who were preparin actually used to feel "salubrious" instead of "good" while talking...if u get my drift...

i had jus a month for preparin for gre after my sem exams
i did:
kp singhs flashcards
kp singhs 10 tests on cd (really tough...u can add 150-200 to the score u get on these..)
kaplan/cambridge etc tests..
browsed thru orkut gre community

and got a 1370

gonna start toefl preps now...
KK wow , thats a really good score

and we don't really call 1100 odd scores as good

Thats Decent. Good would be something about 1300 +

Quantitative sections needs practice. If you have enough practice 800 would be quite achievable. It finally boils down to Verbal section. For this, like everybody mentioned, you need to do lots of reading (newspaper reading won't help except for the editorial column). I don't know how people buttify words a couple of months before the exam. For me , until i know the correct usage of the word, i couldn't remember it.

The trickiest section in Verbal is the Reading Comprehension. You have to be very quick in this. Atleast 50-60 passages must be done on a time trial before the exam

Kumar, congratulations bro. CSU North Ridge , isn't it ?

I am headed towards

University of California , San Diego

oopppsss.sorry, its

San Diego State University :P
Hey cyrux, me too apped for SDSU LOL...

Mama when are you leaving? When is your uni. starting? are you going from hyd.? did you book your tickets?
Kumar said:
Hey cyrux, me too apped for SDSU LOL...

Mama when are you leaving? When is your uni. starting? are you going from hyd.? did you book your tickets?

lol, was that an attempt at the hyderabadi lingo? :P
entra babu

thats like the only telugu i picked up in 4 years of college life sorrounded by chaps from andhra :P


DUDE!!! congrats man :)
sTALKEr said:
entra babu
thats like the only telugu i picked up in 4 years of college life sorrounded by chaps from andhra :P

exact same!!!
though i picked up more sware words than anything else...after all they are the ones that matter :P
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