Anyone tried lectin free diet.

When you propose a new idea like the one above, it usually stems from some hypothesis
It is tested and cemented by facts by testing it again and again

In the scientific community these are done by rigorous testing using a large number of people for a very extended period of time
Say 1000 people followed for 5 years (to assess health). They are very expensive and time consuming.

These results are then published in research journals. There are reputed international journal and then you have the run of the mill journals.
Once published, the same experiment is run by other researchers / doctors and if they validate the experiment then it becomes a peer reviewed. This takes another 5 years.
In the end you get a good enough idea about the hypothesis being correct or not.

Also there is a conflict of interest if you see the person advocating the diet has a supplement business.

These are some of their research I found using the link. I am not sure if any or all are peer reviewed.

Please understand I am not saying he is wrong. It's just that I will have to run a very expensive and tedious research campaign to prove him right or wrong.