Anyone want to start a PSN Sharing Team ?

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@apex, dude if you want to join this team, we stil have an empty slot and about the psn id, create an account through your pc and then login on your ps3.. that'll work..
apextwin146 said:
Bah!!! How to create a ID from PC. Every time i try to create a ID from PS3 language changes to Russian for some reason :S ... Also let me knw if i am part of any PSN sharing Team :P
just change your location to US, it'll be back to English

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

hackboy89 said:
also, there is a game called Fat Princess and it seems really tempting, how about that too..??

let me fetch a list of some good psn games..
Fat princess is also available as a demo on PSN a few levels to see if you'd like it. i wasn't too impressed, btw
guys, flower and joe danger are really good games and we should try out the demo of fat princess.. also, apextwin is also interested in making the team so can we proceed now..
Flower is $15, IIRC

Okie, so here goes the process. (copy-pasted from the web)

Sender: Designated Sender <-- he gets all the moolah sent to him and also has the codes for the PSN card

El Cheapo Receivers 1-4 : lurker downloaders :bleh:

For the "Sender":

1. Create a new user ID on the PS3 XMB. from there, go to the PSN store & create a new ID (based on the currency on which the card has been bought)

PSN ID: newps3user

PSN PW: weneedagoodpassword

2. Purchase and download a game from the Playstation Store


3. Ping everyone to get the goodies

For the "El cheapo receivers":

1. In the PS3 XMB menu, add a new user account on your PS3 and sign in to it


2. Goto PSN Network


3. Use the login information given from the "sender" to create the existing account.

PSN ID: newps3user

PSN PW: weneedagoodpassword


4. Login into the account

5. Enter into the Playstation store


6. Click on "Download List" on the upper right near the person's userID and select the game you wish to download and hit download


Relevant info: Do not delete this user from your PS3 account evah! Nobody will be able to play these d/l'ed games then

Original Link
Why don't we stop waiting and get started with this.I hope everybody has paypal because otherwise this would be really cumbersome.We can also use the paypal feature of generating CC details and this would infact be a safer option as I think everybody will be able to see CC details.
Seems like an interesting concept. Can bigger games also be purchased, say Resistance 2? How will the process work in this case?
xXx said:
^games which are available on PSN not Hardcopy :P

I know it won't be a physical copy. Someone in this thread mentioned about the size of inFamous being 8GB or something like that. So is that possible?
Nope afaik... infamous is available as a digital download. Basically this should work for all games downloaded from the PSN. But i would not be interested in going for full size games considering i rent my games :P

Also... my PS3 data connection is never stable enough to download that big a file...
Arun1 said:
Why don't we stop waiting and get started with this.
+1 but we need one more chap to complete 5.

I think you are a little confused on the CC/Paypal thing. That is not needed. All we need to do is to get someone to buy a prepaid $20/50 card from (easily accomplished by any Mastercard/Visa credit card). We can all send in the money to that guy (gal?) via online bank transfer (in rupees, after conversions). that person then buys content from one ID; and ...i've already outlined the rest of the process in the earlier post.

We can also buy PSN cards from Prashaant. whatever floats the collective boat.

Ethan_Hunt said:
Seems like an interesting concept. Can bigger games also be purchased, say Resistance 2? How will the process work in this case?

As long as a game is listed, you can buy it. Just goto the PSN store and checkout all the games available. IIRC, inFAMOUS is available, and so are games like GTA:EFLC, Warhawk etc. (might be wrong about the GTA version) But yeah, as pointed earlier, while inFAMOUS is indeed $29.99 on the store, it is an 8GB download. If you have the bandwidth & energy to download something like this... :)

dinjo said:
Yes , but thats only for Playstation Plus Users

Sorry, but you're wrong buddy :)
AnkushT said:
+inFAMOUS is indeed $29.99 on the store, it is an 8GB download. If you have the bandwidth & energy to download something like this... :)
8Gb is apparently just the demo brah ! The full game is a lot bigger.

Have I added all you guys in psn?Post your psn ids if you haven't already.I prefer such discussion be taking place anywhere but on an open forum :-)
So its,
That Banned Guy
for now.
The $50 card from Prashanth(at 2700) seems to work out the best.I had a talk with him and apparently an ebay listing on't be pssible due to ebay regulations.
We could either go for flower,which both of you seem to be interested and a couple of other games or we could go for psn plus at $50 for now and get all the available free games and stuff.
What ever it is please make a move guys as I'll be going to Chennai on Thursday morning itself and won't be back before Sunday.
the team members are as follows:

1. Dhruv: dopedanny666

2. hackboy89: hackboy89

3. Arun1: Dr_Khoon

4. AnkushT: Qu1ntessence

5. Unconfirmed..

@dhruv, dude edit the main post and add these id's there and update the status about that banned guy, if you can..

@arun, dude can you confirm if psn plus account can be shared too on 5 consoles..?

UPDATE: at maximus, 50$ card is available for 58.95$
$58.95 works out to be slightly more than 2.7k from prashant( and besides there might be conversion charges incurred on top of that.Unless there is some coupon code?
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