Anything else other than ITUNES ?

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For some funny reason ITUNES doesnt start on my PC or LAPTOP,if they do ITUNES hang.
But i also find ITUNES annoying as everytime i've to open ITUNES place the songs in on n so forth.It is slow process.
Is there any utility whereby i can just connect my ITOUCH to the PC and drag drop songs into ITOUCH or any other utility which is less annoying than ITUNES?
whatsinaname said:
Try Sharepod.

Also, there are plug-ins for Foobar and Winamp to transfer songs.

I tried Sharepod. It was looking great until I started getting the White Screen of Death. Not sure how much Sharepod contributed to that, but went back to stupid iTunes.
bchat said:
I tried Sharepod. It was looking great until I started getting the White Screen of Death. Not sure how much Sharepod contributed to that, but went back to stupid iTunes.

I have used sharepod before the white screen problem (I had the problem, apple replaced the ipod) and have been using it since. Don't think sharepod is the cause.
i'm not able 2 transfer pix through sharepod so i downlaoded anapod,but anapod says.....
'ipod' not detected,when its connected and sharepod detects it.
Then it says anapod manager should b running in the task bar ??????

y didnt sharepod include an option of photo transfer yaaar!!!
I don't think you are gonna get any better experience than iTunes syncing with your iPod touch(if you want everything like your apps, podcasts, audiobooks, movies, calenders, bookmarks etc. synced flawlessly), ofcourse the windows version is kind of bloat, but here's an article on how to get it working on windows without all the add-ons.

Lifehacker: iTunes minus bloat, a quick how to.

Hope this helps.
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Comment from above linked article:

or you could just open the itunes exe with 7-zip and only run the installs that you want...thats what ive been doing

Will try that. What I do right now is disable the bonjour, helper etc. without any issues.
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