Apple building the next big console?

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Charlie at the Inq

Let's backpedal. Apple grabbed Bob Drebin, Raja Koduri, PA Semi, Mark Papermaster, a few games guys, and undoubtedly many others we didn't hear of. That gives them the ATI ex-CTO, also ex-ArtX, makers of the Nintendo GPUs forever, and another ATI 'big thinker'. Lets just say they have the GPU side down there.

PA Semi has several low-power, high-performance modular PowerPC chips on the market now. They are basically SoCs, just slap in a GPU (see last paragraph) and you have - wait for it - a console.

Also of note -
Unlikely that Apple will buy EA

Better investment is to buy WB Music, instead

All of the movement to Apple has fueled the speculation that Apple might be strengthening its position in the video game arena with the addition of a variety of new talent from both AMD/ATI and Microsoft. We have been bombarded with whispers that Apple is considering making an offer to buy Electronic Arts.

While some of these rumors might have a shred of truth in them, we have to weigh in our opinion by saying that if Apple is really considering such a move, it would likely be one of the biggest missteps in the company’s history and we consider it highly unlikely.

As some have pointed out, what would be a better value is for the company to somehow acquire Warner Bros. Music because that way they would control the rights to 20 percent of all of the recorded music. This would be a much better value and offer the ability to yield immediate dividends by virtue of the fact that it would be a natural fit to plug this into iTunes and expand the way in which they can control the price as well as the way in which the music is delivered.

Much of this speculation also goes with the possibility that Apple is working on a larger device that is targeted at social networking as well as gaming. This is the reason that Apple has been acquiring all of the new talent. Some believe that this 10-inch screened device might be the ideal size to introduce a next generation portable gaming platform that would set it apart from anything else on the market today. We speculate that this is, in fact, possible, but without at least some netbook and tablet computing features, we think that the possibility of a device this size being successful based solely on a social networking and gaming business model could be trick for a company that has never really previously played successfully in this field.

Fudzilla - Unlikely that Apple will buy EA
they are gonna get screwed if they enter they market now.there are already three giants with develpments form years battleing out for the top spot
lol this actually will not work. Maybe if they target for next-gen release, with PS4, X360's successor, they "might" have a chance to topple over one of these but I highly, highly doubt it.
It seems that way doesn't it :)

Why does Apple think they can pull it off given how entrenched the consoles market already is. This is the part that does not make sense.

But Apple would not have made those hires if they did not think they had a damn good chance, so question is what else could these new hires talents be put to ?
Hmm, how about a hand held console from Apple? Does it necessarily have to be a desktop? :) I think I even have the name down for it, iGame :P
kauzy said:
^^ they took the mobile market by storm.. don't misjudge APPLE.. :P

they took the US mobile market by storm, not outside it. The problem is that Apple bases its market a lil too much on marketing and is totally US-centric, especially when it comes to iphone. This is the reason of iphone 3g's doom in places like India, China and most importantly Japan. If they follow the America-F**k-Yeah attitude with their gaming devices, they are bound it fail once again.
Apple seems to be following a reactionary attitude to innovation now. Iphone was a reaction to mobile phones fast becoming media players. The gaming convergence seem to be a reaction to the fear that Sony may throw in the towel and converge psp with a SE phone, or worse, Nintendo may DS-ify a panasonic/samsung phone.
APPLE I define as Elite-Bastards, whatever they make is generations ahead in terms of innvovation, thoughtfullness, Design & style. they have been a trendsetter for ages now, & thus they never have cared abt the competition.

I believe whatever they produce will have a class of its own, setting a trend which the competetors will follow...
this rumor has been floating quite for a while now on the net, i personally would love to see apple bringing in a new console.
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