Apple game console again rumored

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Casual TV-connected device to rule in 2013
The fruit moles are at it again, telling us that the information we told you about previously - suggesting that Apple was developing a new replacement for the Apple TV that would be more of a casual gaming console device and interactive entertainment hub - is, indeed, correct.

The problem is that this new casual gaming console device and interactive entertainment hub will not arrive till likely in the holiday season of 2012 at the earliest, with a 2013 launch being more likely. The strategy is dependent on getting more users to download games into their iPhone or iPod Touch in an effort to attract developers to the Apple platform prior to the release of such a device.

While we don’t know much about what the specifics would look like, we can only suggest that it might be a cross between something akin to the power of the first Xbox for gaming, with the abilities of a series 3 TiVo, with the user interface on the TV of an iPod Touch. It does seem logical that Apple might try to make a splash in this market space, if you really think about it.

In the meantime, the moles do say that we will still see a more advanced Apple TV product to be released shortly that will feature the Nvidia technology of the Mac Mini platform wrapped into a new package, bundled with some new features to help Apple take consumers’ temperatures as to their interest in using an Apple product as part of their TV entertainment choices.
Some developers are already expressing their interest publicly in Apple’s development of such a device. With the focus being on casual gaming as well as entertainment delivery, it could be successful, with the Apple Store integration as well as the iPod support that it could offer.

Fudzilla - Apple game console again rumored
Apple has taken over the lead of Sony in PMP when it introduced IPOD. If this is true....then....we can see.... sony....once again.....*enough speculation, i'm not a moron to continue, let it get released:)*
vamsikrishna919 said:
Apple has taken over the lead of Sony in PMP when it introduced IPOD. If this is true....then....we can see.... sony....once again.....*enough speculation, i'm not a moron to continue, let it get released:)*

what was sonys pmp??

i guess psp is not a pmp..its more of gaming console
well, if my memory is not gone crazy, i clearly remember a thing called Walkman which was released waybefore IPOD. And was swept by IPOD.
Walkman was a milestone in portable media and next come Ipod.

Ipod has reinvent & revive the portable media concept.So "Apple has taken over the lead of Sony in PMP when it introduced IPOD" does not make any sense.

We need to wait another 3-4 years(at least) to see something groudbreaking like that.

Let it come - remember Atari,Sega and 1983
That's my opinion. a opinion i developed after seeing hundreds of known persons going to IPOD rather than Sony's Walkman. Which means sweeping,IMO. If i have hurt your personal feelings then, i am sorry.
What the hell u guys are fighting about?

First of all... Walkman was not PMP. PMP implies to Portable Media Player, which means more versatile player for various media.... not just music. Secondly, Apple wasn't the first in market with Mp3 player... although, they were the first one with most successful player. Also note that iPod wasn't true PMP till 5th gen till it got video. Although, one can debate that 4th gen color iPod was able to handle photos along with audio.

Most importantly... by the time iPod was introduced, Walkman era was already fading, with people opting for CD based players outside Sony's offerings.... that, or tiny/compact FM receivers.

So as you see, vamsikrishna919 nobody here is taking things personally except you. Besides, it's kind of nonsensical argument about PMPs in game console thread, that too about a rumor.
vamsikrishna919 said:
That's my opinion. a opinion i developed after seeing hundreds of known persons going to IPOD rather than Sony's Walkman. Which means sweeping,IMO. If i have hurt your personal feelings then, i am sorry.
Absolutely correct. iPod completely replaced the 'Walkman' and 'Discman'.

If Apple wants to get into consoles there's a HUGE untapped market, the only concern will be cross-compatibility with other platforms and pricing. Also what new they can bring to the scene (Which they always manage though..)
Thats the point..walkmen was replaced by ipod all..but here we r talking abt pmp..where does media comes into picture in walkmen....dont take me i m proving a point.....but here discussion was pmp...and u taking it only as player
vamsikrishna919 said:
well, if my memory is not gone crazy, i clearly remember a thing called Walkman which was released waybefore IPOD. And was swept by IPOD.

1. Walkman was not a PMP

2. Walkman's sold in millions for several years before they were replaced by newer technology like the iPod other other flash/disk based music players/PMPs.

As for Apple getting into game consoles, its quite possible. But its not easy to penetrate this market without some prior preparation if it wants to go past the fanboi segment.

1. They would need to buy game companies/make deals with the big ones so that there would be enough games by the time the console is released. Of course there would be the fanboi's would line up early on the launch day to buy the console even if there are no games, but for the real gamers, it would not make sense to get one when there are no games. Microsoft had to do this prior preparation like crazy before they could even think of lauching something to compete with the playstation and the other consoles.

2. If they are serious about high end gaming and want their own custom platform, they have to seriously look into streamlining their SDK's which I can vouch for being crappy except for the iPhone SDK. They also need to bring something on parallel to DirectX or atleast adopt the same considering it is the defacto standard for both nVidia and ATi GPU's.

I think if at all Apple is doing a console, it would probably be the typical casual gaming kind. If they were serious about high end gaming, we would have symptoms of atleast the first point by now.
All the best, Every one is saying that walkman is not a PMP. Well, what it would be then, an asteroid which has made it's way from the mars?

First, Walkman has got some generations..

Cassette based walkman

Disc Based walkman(which will be usually referred as Discman)

Network Walkman

and MP3 walkman,Which are the currently used PMPs.
vamsikrishna919 said:
and MP3 walkman,Which are the currently used PMPs.

Again u mixing things

mp3 walkmen not equal to pmp...while sony does use the name on its fone which can be said that

Pmp are players which is used more for seeing videos......what u talking is all about audio players
Introducing the $599 iConsole with a Core Solo 1.6ghz and a Geforce GTX100!!!

Use your $199 iPhone as a controller with your 30" $2999 Apple LCD!
Its apple Expecting price around $600-800,if they launch anything.

Apple has taken over the lead of Sony in PMP when it introduced IPOD. If this is true....then....we can see.... sony....once again.....*enough speculation, i'm not a moron to continue, let it get released*

tell me 1 sony PMP(Audio+ video+portable) model introduced before Ipod

and MP3 walkman,Which are the currently used PMPs.

dude , ur confused!!

haha...Sony PMP were launched much after ipod.

The old walkman does not comes under the category of PMP.
"Walkman is not a pmp" ---- go and die before making such a statement - because asteroid from March is heading towards your place (reference :vamsikrishna919 )


don't you think music is not a media - walkman is pioneer in making portable media - which only play music although.Apple take a leaf from Walkman and make Ipode -later on adding video,image and all. Walkman was a cassette based player and later moved to discman which was not groundbreaking anyway since it was not supporting mp3 during those days which was a major bummer. If you grownup with Ipode - good for you > love it and enjoy it but for God sake dont say "Walkman is not a pmp"
satyanjoy said:
"Walkman is not a pmp" ---- go and die before making such a statement - because asteroid from March is heading towards your place (reference :vamsikrishna919 )


don't you think music is not a media - walkman is pioneer in making portable media - which only play music although.Apple take a leaf from Walkman and make Ipode -later on adding video,image and all. Walkman was a cassette based player and later moved to discman which was not groundbreaking anyway since it was not supporting mp3 during those days which was a major bummer. If you grownup with Ipode - good for you > love it and enjoy it but for God sake dont say "Walkman is not a pmp"


A portable multimedia player (PMP), is a consumer electronics device that is capable of storing and playing digital media. Digital audio players (DAP) that can also display images and play videos are PMPs.

Why u want PMP and audio players or portable players to have same definition??

Portable media player - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now end the argument this is console thread not abt pmps etc..lolz

walkman isnt a PMP.

and for others who are saying ipod didnt replace walkman simply because a walkman isnt a PMP, well sorry to burst your bubble, but ipod when introduced WASN'T a PMP either. it was purely an mp3 player.

in short, a device capable of playing music (walkman/discman) was replaced by another deivce capable of playing music (ipod).

coming back to the topic here, i believe if Apple at all is considering a gaming console, it would not think of competing with Xbox360 and PS3 meant for the hardcore gamers. i believe they would be looking at something like what Nintendo did with Wii, a console for the whole family, in other words, gaming console for the casual gamers.
satyanjoy said:
"Walkman is not a pmp" ---- go and die before making such a statement - because asteroid from March is heading towards your place (reference :vamsikrishna919 )


don't you think music is not a media - walkman is pioneer in making portable media - which only play music although.Apple take a leaf from Walkman and make Ipode -later on adding video,image and all. Walkman was a cassette based player and later moved to discman which was not groundbreaking anyway since it was not supporting mp3 during those days which was a major bummer. If you grownup with Ipode - good for you > love it and enjoy it but for God sake dont say "Walkman is not a pmp"

LOL.. If you want to call it a PMP just because it can play music, then by that definition, my age old 3 kilo stereo is also a PMP. It has a handle to carry it around easily, hence portable and it can play music. :rofl:

As for the walkman word, people seem to be confusing between the original walkman product and the walkman brand. Walkman as a product was so successful that sony made it a sort of brand to be used with their other products including music oriented mobile phones as well as flash based music players. If we leave the sony exclusive walkman brand name aside, The walkman word became a generic term that was used with similar prodcuts from other brands as well.
:rofl: Nice argument going on here.

Walkman was the 1st pmp, except nobody called it as such because the term 'pmp' wasn't used at that time :P And then iPod came along and replaced the walkman.
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