Being a Apple fan myself I was a bit disappointed with iPhone 4S and same with the newer release of iPhone 5. Yes its big and sleek and it runs iOS 6 but i wanted it to be bigger, faster and I wanted something new and radical like the Facetime or the Retina display. I am not really a fan of Android. But seriously I feel Google has done good enough Job with the android OS over the years to make it feel better. Apple is just dragging it now. iOS 5 was good. Liked the improvements. iOS 6 is not. What do we have Panorama. I have that $hit on my 4 from the very first day. Apple maps are good for US only. And so is the passes app or whatever they call that as it will be of no use to me. They still haven't opened the iTunes Music store for India so making all these work for India seems like a pretty herculean task. Moreover everything which iOS 6 offers works pretty well with a little tweaking on my iPhone 4.
I will keep using my iPhone 4 till the time it dies(Still feels spanking new even after being 2.5 years old) or till the time I see something radical. Apple have the best tablet as of now. Their phone is just not there. If I have had cash to spend I would pickup either a S3 or an One X or maybe a nexus(hopefully that would be cheaper) but not an iPhone. Its an inferior phone as compared to the others as of now.
I will keep using my iPhone 4 till the time it dies(Still feels spanking new even after being 2.5 years old) or till the time I see something radical. Apple have the best tablet as of now. Their phone is just not there. If I have had cash to spend I would pickup either a S3 or an One X or maybe a nexus(hopefully that would be cheaper) but not an iPhone. Its an inferior phone as compared to the others as of now.