OC & Modding applying the paste!

Spirit will do just fine lord_shrex ..
I've used it myself..

You could also get more info in this thread...

Eazy said:
The best cleaner for thermal compund is Acetone and the best cleaner to get Acetone off the CPU and Heat Sink is Isopropyl Alcohol

If you have spare cash then I think Prime ABGB has the Artic Cleaner cleaning solutions which are probably nothing else but Acetone and Isopropyl Alcohol sold at premium prices.
lord_shrex said:
just hope i dun screw up or stuff!

A tip to help you avoid screw ups.... Acetone is a solvent - it can damage plastics and PCB's if it comes in contact - to avoid this I place masking tape along the 4 sides of the CPU whilst I am cleaning the top with Acetone and Alcohol and applying AS5 - so if there is any splatter it will fall on the tape...
Yes be careful...Acetone can be harmful if you get it on anything else. I also read on Arctic 5 documentation that Rubbing Alcohol is best. I used this and it worked really well me with an old t-shirt I ripped up ;)
ranjan2001 said:
Isopropyl Alcohol alone should do it, isn't it?

If you are reapplying the compound and have to clean out old goop then Acetone being a powerful solvent removes the old goop very well - and after using Acetone use the Alcohol to do a final cleaning job.
I am using only alcohol. The acetone I seems to be too dilute to work. Just alcohol works very well actually and never had a problem after so many remounts.