PC Peripherals Are vertical mice comfortable?

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I'm interested in a new computer mouse (my hp started double clicking after a year or two of use).

My right shoulder started hurting after I used a mouse on the top of a table while my keyboard and mouse tray was out of commission (the tray is fixed now). My regular computer is a desktop and after that experience, I learned that I can't really use laptops extensively.

My shoulder still hurts but the ache has mostly subsided. I'm thinking of getting a vertical mouse to ease the strain on my right arm and possibly shoulder too.

Are vertical mice worthwhile? I game casually (GT Legends most of the time with a FPS or RPG now and then) and most of the time, I use a group video chat program on my desktop.

This is the vertical computer mouse that I'm thinking of getting:
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I am using the Microsoft Sculpt ergonomic mouse, which is not fully vertical, but close enough. I love it! Using normal mice seems foolish. I can feel the difference in just an hour of use, where previously I would feel strain in my wrist, and now nothing! Highly recommend these.

In my research I found that Microsoft and Anker's vertical mice are probably the best value for money.

One caveat though: They are not meant for gaming, in that you will see a serious drop in accuracy especially in games where you have to aim. If you have to game, get a regular mouse separately for gaming, and use this for all other usage.
I haven't done any online multiplayer gaming in ages so I don't need the accuracy of a normal mouse (ping times from US or EU to India don't help). Thanks @vebk for the added information. I've had Microsoft mice buttons double click on the first day of usage. Anker does seem to be a popular brand of vertical mice.
As an update, the Perixx vertical mouse is extremely comfortable and I now find it painful to use a regular mouse. My right shoulder sometimes hurts after extensive use even when the mouse is on a keyboard tray so this doesn't eleviate shoulder issues and might even add to shoulder issues but for the wrist, this vertical mouse is amazing!

I also have a new Perixx PX-1200 keyboard and it's quite nice to type on.
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